Hi first time fiat owner here by an coincidece, last autum -22 my daily driver threw a connecting rod and i faced the dilemma of having to find a new winter beater so i could get to work, searching through local ads with a very restricted budget i saw an black fiat punto in driving condition with a valid one month MOT left. Never owned a fiat before and having only own and driven either volvos or some obscure VAG car i picked up the phone and called the seller. After some haggling i had the keys to the punto in my hand, i have actually grown a bit fond of the car and when the flexible part of the exhaust gave in and she began to acting up in other areas started to look for parts.. what the H**L have i bought? Parts are scarce and when i manage to track som down they are pricey to sat the least.. so digging around i have found i migyt have some what of a rare punto? Its an 2001 punto 1.8 Hgt with the Abarth package. Engine is the 188.A6 with an 5 speed box with diffbrake?
Well. Long intro but im hoping to find help and useful information on this forum to be able to repair and keep my little black rocket gocart on the road
/ Totem
Well. Long intro but im hoping to find help and useful information on this forum to be able to repair and keep my little black rocket gocart on the road
/ Totem