General Heater fan resistor location?

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General Heater fan resistor location?


New member
Jul 6, 2012
I know this has been covered before but im still head scratching where the bloody thing is located? :confused:
Ive looked at a few youtube vids but nothing seems to look the same as on our car? Its a 2011 twinair sport.

Can anyone shed any light on this, ive taken all the bottom interior trim panels off but getting nowhere!

Any ideas gratefully received!?...........:shrug:
Only present if you have manual heater or manual aircon, not if you have auto climate control.

It is high up, on the side of the heater box, above the clutch pedal. Pedal and steering column will get in the way. Visibility is difficult. You should find the wiring connector, itself difficult to remove, as I think there's a tang or something to secure the connector, ideally requiring two hands where one won't fit. I think there's one screw holding the resistor, but if the resistor has swollen due to overheating, it may be difficult to get out.

Much standing on head, and swearing is necessary.
Thanks for quick reply!
Its manual aircon so fingers crossed that should put me somewhere near, although im doubting my shovel hands will cope!
Well ive managed to locate the resistor in the depths of dash although god knows just how im gonna remove fasteners and swap it over!? need fingers like bloody ET!!

I think il start by removing drivers seat so at least i can stand on my head in footwell a bit easier!........