Technical Headlamp bulb upgrade for 2023 Panda Cross

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Technical Headlamp bulb upgrade for 2023 Panda Cross


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Jan 17, 2024
Can someone tell me whether I need H4 or H7 bulbs to upgrade my headlamp bulbs in my Panda Cross 2023 please?
Any recommendations for durable bulbs would also be good. Thanks.
Thanks for your info, would these be as good in my Panda Cross, as I found them on offer?
1 x PHILIPS H4 X-treme Vision G-Force Twin Car Headlight Bulb +130%
Yes they should be fine, I think mine were about £20 when I got them. As Panda Nut stated the brighter you go the less time they will last, although mine are 130% they have lasted 4/5 years but also I don't really do a lot of night driving
Can someone tell me whether I need H4 or H7 bulbs to upgrade my headlamp bulbs in my Panda Cross 2023 please?
Any recommendations for durable bulbs would also be good. Thanks.
The higher +%brightness you go the shorter the life. +30% last well. I find +50% only last 18 months regular use. +30% have lasted 5 years. I fone bulb blows replace both. Keep the second and use next time one blows to give a matched pair or you m ay find its one then the other blowing add infinitum.
The main reason the lights are poor is that the main beam is too high with the dip set at the optimum. I find running wiht the lights set on 1 improves main beam significantly. Poor light design as you cant change this relationship. Adjustes affect the whole light unit. If you fiddle you will find its not bad lighting but poor aim. Spend time getting the aim optimised, its worth the effort to get best overall performance.
The higher +%brightness you go the shorter the life. +30% last well. I find +50% only last 18 months regular use. +30% have lasted 5 years. I fone bulb blows replace both. Keep the second and use next time one blows to give a matched pair or you m ay find its one then the other blowing add infinitum.
The main reason the lights are poor is that the main beam is too high with the dip set at the optimum. I find running wiht the lights set on 1 improves main beam significantly. Poor light design as you cant change this relationship. Adjustes affect the whole light unit. If you fiddle you will find its not bad lighting but poor aim. Spend time getting the aim optimised, its worth the effort to get best overall performance.
I upgraded my bulbs to Nightbreakers about 4 or so years ago and they are still OK. BUT I also found (by fiddling er I mean experimentation) that AIM was of equal importance, at least to me
I upgraded my bulbs to Nightbreakers about 4 or so years ago and they are still OK. BUT I also found (by fiddling er I mean experimentation) that AIM was of equal importance, at least to me
I agree - aim was key to getting mine better (notably, moving the left light left leftwards and the right towards the right (which then aligned them correctly). Prior to this the beams converged to a point, most noticeable on main beam. I did add the brighter bulbs too though and they are still going after 5 years (and plenty of use)

Somewhere I posted about this many moons ago.... (Edit – here!