Technical Gearbox Oil

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Technical Gearbox Oil

Is Tutela THAT difficult to find or just that nobody sells it there? Over here in Malaysia, if you know where you can get a bottle (1L) for about RM35 ~ 8euro's...

The manual says you need to 2liters...
I would like this thread updated as to whether it is possible to drain the gearbox oil with reference to the latest transmissions. If possible then I will read all the comments regarding which oil to use or just check levels and top up. Also will have to find the oil filter soon since a quick inspection of the engine revealed nothing but my eyes are not what they used to be !!!
Drain stopper.....


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I would like this thread updated as to whether it is possible to drain the gearbox oil with reference to the latest transmissions. If possible then I will read all the comments regarding which oil to use or just check levels and top up. Also will have to find the oil filter soon since a quick inspection of the engine revealed nothing but my eyes are not what they used to be !!!

Oil filter is on the drivers side of the car. If its a Fiat one it will be black but when Kwik S**T changed mine to a unipart one I could even see it looking top down from the bonnet as it was bright white (and much easier to see). Was good of them to only change half the oil but that is another story!

From memory if you go underneath and find the hose going on to the bottom of the radiator on the drivers side and go backwards a bit you will find it. Sump plug is back even further so if you find it you have gone to far ;)

As for oil, Im using mobil super S (or s2000 i think they call it these days) and the gearbox has the same stuff in it as it did when I got it. Morrisons are indeed supplied by Texaco (well they where a few years ago), and Asda get a lot of fuel from BP (i used to work for both Asda and Morrisons). However, ASDA/Tesco/etc own brand oil (or petrol after a bad experience with my scooter following a visit to Tesco) wouldn't go anywhere near my car! If its Havoline branded it should be good (also worked for Texaco once upon a time lol). Also, anything own branded at a supermarket can come from a totally different supplier on a given day (including fuel).

Soooo, back on topic. Is changing the gear box oil a worthwhile job if for instance you have to do a lot of gear shifts. My box can be a wee bit tricky to get into 1st and 3rd sometimes so just wondering if doing the transmission oil is worth doing?
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Just to buck the trend.. i changed my gearbox oil in my 100hp to BMW M3 spec MTF LT2 at about 40k as had always found 1st and 3rd to be a little stiff especially from cold and felt the original oil had been in there long enough...
the box felt better straight away and still does 15k later!