Tuning fiat seicento 1.1 8v upgrades

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Tuning fiat seicento 1.1 8v upgrades


New member
Feb 3, 2013
Has anyone got at list of fiat seicento 1.1 8v engine performance Parts or parts i can swoping to get better performance. i don't want to swop engine .
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It's all in the guides

421 mani
Bigger tb
Engine work
866 or other cam

Really depends on your insurance, budget etc there's no point going excessive on a road car with cams and very light flywheels it'll just be poor to drive. Best bet is to sort wheels tyres, suspension first but check on the insurance. These aren't really like your corsas, Saxo etc where all performance parts are on the shelf it takes a bit of work with these. Just ask yourself if you want a quick car or a quick cento
I want a quick cento but just can't find the parts and everyone tells you Different things to do but don't tell you what cars have the parts needed.
:yeahthat: insurance declaration of all modifications are a must becouse if you dont your insurance is technically void therefore driving without insurance some vosa vans are also pulling obvious cars over to double check for declaration of changes mainly engine displacement upgrades but you never know

on to mods what are you after slight acceleration increases ?

best of with stock cam sometimes but the 866 cam found in the punto 75 gives you a higher end performance and a slightly better engine sound

if you are after more than that displacement or turbo is the rout to go down (y)