FIAT G-91 in Malta

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FIAT G-91 in Malta


Telford's Own...
Apr 26, 2007
Never seen one before and these babies REALLY do fly!

Anyone seen one? I got a pic I will try to get off my phone.... lethal looking thing, only in blue / grey tho.... :D
you can imagine what would happen, first dogfight and your engine management light comes on disabling all weapon systems and limiting you to 30% thrust.
you can imagine what would happen, first dogfight and your engine management light comes on disabling all weapon systems and limiting you to 30% thrust.

Lmao and then the Ground Techs cant find anything wrong on Examiner.... the cockpit cover rattles cos it wont align properly and he is sent out with a "bring it back if there is still a problem" ringing in his headpiece... :ROFLMAO:
I am not up to date. The last one I knew about was the G-90 and this is a long time ago.

G90 was a 1 off version of the G91 tested but not actually used by the H.A.F.

It was indeed some time ago! :D
I believe the German Air Force bought them. They were designed in answer to a NATO competition in the fifties that required a fast, cheap fighter aircraft with grass field landing ability. Cheap, fast and able to deal with a bit of rough - very Italian.
The FIAT G91 came out in the late '50's/early '60's and was a competitor to the likes of the Hawker Hunter, Dassault Mystere and U.S. F100 Super Sabre. In other words they are now very outdated. I'm not sure how deeply involved in the aerospace industry FIAT still are, but seeing one of these aircraft is quite a rare occaision nowadays. Although they've almost certainly updated several times they can't support the latest range of avionics required today.