Technical Fiat 500 vibration issue

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Technical Fiat 500 vibration issue


New member
Dec 16, 2003
United Kingdom.
Got an issue with my 1.2 Pop. There is a vibration that I can feel through the accelerator pedal, there is also periods when the engine feels reluctant to pull. The engine reluctance is usually not present in the morning but does appear when I drive home from work, which I am assuming is ambiant temperature related. The vibration can be felt when the car is stationary, i have changed the plugs and coil pack. Anyone got any ideas on what I need to look at next?
Got an issue with my 1.2 Pop. There is a vibration that I can feel through the accelerator pedal, there is also periods when the engine feels reluctant to pull. The engine reluctance is usually not present in the morning but does appear when I drive home from work, which I am assuming is ambiant temperature related. The vibration can be felt when the car is stationary, i have changed the plugs and coil pack. Anyone got any ideas on what I need to look at next?
What sort of vibration? When does it happen etc etc?
What sort of vibration? When does it happen etc etc?

Vibration happens all the time in all gears and all rev ranges. Almost feels like there is something loose hitting the underside of the car (I have checked and there is nothing).

The hesitation in the engine is the main issue, puzzling that it only happens in the evening. Was thinking whether a fuel vapour lock could be causing a misfire.
...i have changed the plugs and coil pack. ...

From this, I'm assuming this is an older car out of warranty. Sounds from your description like you could have an intermittent misfire, & as you've just replaced coil packs & plugs, I'm thinking sensors, injectors, air leaks in the intake system etc...

How long have you had it? Has it perhaps been sitting around for awhile, perhaps on a dealer's forecourt? Have you noticed any change in fuel economy?

Check the breather pipes are in good order - that seems to be a common 500 problem.

Another cheap thing you could try is to run a bottle of injector cleaner through & see if you notice any difference.
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Have you read the engine codes just in case, a lot can be stored without engine light coming on.
I'd be inclined to just stump up the cash and take it to Fiat - if it is a misfire situation due to ignition failure, the cat(s) will be quickly destroyed.
I have a 500 cabrio lounge and am experiencing the same thing ( a vibration through gas pedal and can feel it when sitting still also) , it is a 2012 model. Have taken it to dealer and they are trying to determine cause but as of yet nothing. My mirrors even shake, they replaced them but it didn't take care of the problem. We spoke to the regional guy from Fiat and he said mine was the first he had heard of but are checking with other dealers to see if any more have popped up.
Can you feel the vibration through the steering wheel?

My Ka does this. It's the air conditioning on mine. If I turn it off, 1 minute later = no vibration
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I have a 500 cabrio lounge and am experiencing the same thing ( a vibration through gas pedal and can feel it when sitting still also) , it is a 2012 model. Have taken it to dealer and they are trying to determine cause but as of yet nothing. My mirrors even shake, they replaced them but it didn't take care of the problem. We spoke to the regional guy from Fiat and he said mine was the first he had heard of but are checking with other dealers to see if any more have popped up.

It might be worthwhile mentioning that your US 500 has the multi-air engine and the automatic gearbox whilst the European model has the MTA.
I have a 500 cabrio lounge and am experiencing the same thing ( a vibration through gas pedal and can feel it when sitting still also) , it is a 2012 model. Have taken it to dealer and they are trying to determine cause but as of yet nothing. My mirrors even shake, they replaced them but it didn't take care of the problem. We spoke to the regional guy from Fiat and he said mine was the first he had heard of but are checking with other dealers to see if any more have popped up.

Did you find out what the problem was?
I'd be inclined to just stump up the cash and take it to Fiat - if it is a misfire situation due to ignition failure, the cat(s) will be quickly destroyed.

Can you elaborate on how this kills the cats?