England - Italy

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England - Italy


Established member
Mar 12, 2012
Nice match....
it looked like English players suffered the hot climate more than the Italians
The best team, at the end, won!
Gerrard should never, ever; ever! Take a free kick on goal ever; ever again. Every single time he does even with a half open goal like last night the ball ends up in row thirty one seat seventy six. It's as if he purposely misses. I wonder if the FA have looked into this as potential match fixing?

For those who missed it last night the goal keeper was by the right post, the wall was covering the right hand side of the goal; all Gerard had to do was place the ball in the top left corner of the net to equalise but he binned it into the stands the same way he always does. :bang:
England should ditch the overpaid prima donna ageing 'stars' and go with the youngsters before they are corrupted by the hype that the media surround them with. At least then we would have 11 players on the field. Gerrard couldn't even muster the enthusiasm to sing the national anthem properly.
I didn't think England played that badly and Italy were only average too, i agree that the new younger players were the stars and it was obvious that the likes of Rooney and Gerrard have had their day.
Gerrard always seems to me like the boy who is in charge and confident when he's in the top class at junior school but looks terrified when he gets to secondary school.
I agree with the above - the older guys have had two chances at least already and failed.
Bring on the young guys like Barkley, Sterling, Shaw and let's give the world a fright before they figure these young lads out.