Technical Engine light

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Technical Engine light


New member
Aug 30, 2024
United Kingdom
I had a new sump put in and when I collected the car the check engine light came on the mechanic has no idea what is causing it. He has ordered a sensor although he said it was okay and the light wasn't on before he changed the sump. Any ideas?
Hi and welcome.

Exhaust manifold is usually removed to replace a sump, so it's possible a sensor or wiring got disturbed.

Engine Management Light can be caused by almost anything, and will store a Diagnostic Trouble Code in the car's computer.

Next step would be to scan for codes.

Would you be doing this, or your mechanic? MultiECUScan is a popular diagnostic tool on here, plus you'd need an OBDII interface to plug in to the car.

And what model is it? Any other symptoms?
Hi yeah a mechanic is doing it the diagnostic machine said a sensor but he has already tried cleaning them etc and a new one is on order but I'm worried coz he doesn't seem to know what the fault is
It's obviously something he's done as the light wasn't on before

I do not agree it is obvious .

We don't know what code is causing the engine light to be on , there are hundreds of potential causes.

I replaced a complete timing belt kit on a car and the light switch failed immediately after ...... I was very glad I wasn't immediately accused of causing the failure.