Electronic boot release | FIAT Barchetta | The FIAT Forum

Technical Electronic boot release

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Technical Electronic boot release

Jun 28, 2014
As winter approaches and it is quiet on the Barchetta forum y thoughts turned to winter projects. Question is, has anyone installed an electronic boot lid release? I have seen the short writeup on another site but have been unable to find an electric release leaver suitable. Any advice or thoughtson this are welcome.
Have you any interesting projects for the winter?
Just a quick update, I have found a solenoid kit on ebay that looks suitable. If you are curious you can search ebay for:
"Electric Boot Pop Release Kit for Mazda inc. 2 3 6 MX5"
Its £14 post included and the seller is electrc-bits.
Hi Steve.
Had the same thoughts regarding fitting a solenoid for the boot release. So bought a genetic kit with the hope that I could fit it.
Set about removing the trim around the catch area, thinking that there's plenty of room.for a solenoid, but just couldn't find a suitable location for it, not without cutting into the framework, so decided against fitting. For now at least, perhaps over winter I will reconsider.
Thanks for that, there is a photo on the forum of a fitted solenoid but it does not show the cover refiited in place so it is not clear what adjustment are needed to make it fit. Also in my case I have fitted a boot light into the cover which may now restrict where I put the solenoid.
Nothing ventured .. Lots of chewing over methinks.