Technical EGR cleaning

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Technical EGR cleaning


Established member
May 20, 2003
United Kingdom.
I am going to take my egr valve off my 1.3 multijet to clean it this week which i done about 2 years ago .The first time there was sludge in the egr and in the manifold, i could not get into the manifold to get it out.With the valve out the way is it a easy job to get the manifold off or is there anyway of cleaning in place.

Thanks Shaun
Hi mate,

Its not particularly easy to remove the manifold. Its nothing particularly difficult, but you do need to remove several bits and pieces before you get to the bolts that secure the manifold to the head. I may be doing a guide on this shortly, but its too cold at the mo lol

You cant really clean the manifold in situ, as you don't want ANYTHING falling down into the head.

Thanks a1ant

I had a quick look and it did not look to easy so i think i will just clean as much as i can.I have a engine on with a p0106 error code which i think could be something to do with the egr valve being sludged up.
Hello, can You pls help me to find the EGR valve on my multipla JTD 110 (2002)?? Should I clean it with something specific or petrol is ok?? Thanks in advance for Your help.