Technical Ducato gearbox oil change

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Technical Ducato gearbox oil change


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Mar 2, 2021
We have a 2005 Ducato/ Trigano Tribute camper van, 2.3 JTD. When it gets warm, the gearbox starts to whine a bit and we thought about changing the gear oil. When we asked our local garage who does our MOT’s about this, they advised not to change the oil as they said these gearboxes are prone to condensation so changing to new oil could cause other problems. Can anyone else advise on this please? Thanks.
Hi Linda330,

Welcome. May I suggest that you consider this logically.
1. How many miles has PVC covered? I have not checked the handbook, but I do not think that Fiat make any recommendation for changing the gearbox oil.
2. I do not know what "condesation problems" your garage is alluding to, but if the oil has been contaminated, the vehicle would benefit from a change.
3. If changing the oil, there will be an opportunity to inspect the old oil for contamination, particularly metallic debris., indicating worn components.
4. There has been some discussion about not using oils to specification GL5 which has a higher additive content, and cause problems with the synchromesh components. The lower additive specification GL4, is now more favoured.
5. Draining the oil out is easy enough, but refilling could be more tricky. The official line is to remove a breather valve on top of the gearbox. Can you see the top of the gearbox from under the bonnet? Access with the vehicle on a lift may help, but garage may also need a filling pump. A DIY solution is to use a funnel and pipe, but the pipe has to be threaded into position.
6. Perhaps your garage does not wnt to get involved, when there is no guarantee of any improvement?

You may find this thread interesting.
I'd recommend changing the oil. It's not a service item so never gets done normally, but at that age it will surely benefit from a change and as said you can look for debris or contamination.
Some Fiats are known to have a problem with the skuttle below the windscreen. Water drains can become blocked and deposit water on top of the gearbox and it can then find its way inside to contaminate the oil. Be worth checking for that.

this has been the best way to do it that ive found ,,if you take out the box the battery sits in ,it,s literally just below you for filling,,after many years the additive package in the oil will have long departed ,,10% of the oil will be water that has no lubricity at all,,unfortunately the whining will be wear in gears or the diff crownwheel,,fresh oil will only slow further wear,,i,d also suggest the fiat Tutela oil , just to maximise the correct additives
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The above is a valid method for the X250, but a 2005 vehicle is going to be an X244, where the battery is under the bonnet. When viewed from above, it is difficult to see the gearbox, let alone fill it. My approach would be to fill via the breather hole with a tube and funnel. An alternative method is to fill via the speedo drive, but the drive gear can drop into the box..............
well said i just assumed a x250 when i saw a 2.3 engine ---- speedo drive in gearbox,, oooh expensive mistake,, no chance that coming out with the oil,,
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