Technical Drum brake shoe problem.

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Technical Drum brake shoe problem.

Aug 7, 2012

Just replaced my rear shoes on my Punto. I dont think the self adjusting went right. I think i mistakenly press my brake pedal before putting it all back together, which resulted in the drum cylinder not wanting to go over the break shoes so i had to adjust the ratchet (self adjusting?) part so it would allow it all fit back together. I thought that it would adjust it self back so it fitted properly. But didn't hear no clicking like i did when i first stepped on the break.

So now when i brake only feels like there just working, and when i use my handbrake, well the car can still move lol.

Its all put together for now since its gone 8pm here, But im wondering where did I f up, and how do i fix it :bang: lol

Examples of my brake shoe type.


I had this issue not long ago and my shoes just needed adjusting, so I suggest adjust your shoes again make sure you do the adjusting to the correct level. Your handbrake should have a lot of resistance on it. If it doesn't you could always adjust the handbrake itself but make sure to adjust the shoes first! As people tend to adjust the handbrake first then the shoes.
Well I reset mine I think (i'm working from memory here) by pressing the little lever down so I can get the drum back on. Then put everything back together and just pump the brake for a while til it has adjusted enough. Make sure you bleed the brakes too
let off handbake adjustment first as both handbarake levers should be at their stops,make sure pistons on cylinders not seized.if pistons are seized brakes won adjust,i always manually adjust with a big screwdriver against the top ratchet adjuster and metal of the shoe.
Thanks for all the help:worship:. Will be trying this tomorrow.

Just to be safe and to make sure im doing things right, can someone tell me the procedure to factory resetting them and adjusting them properly?
The Ratchet mechanism is a bugger for getting Stuck
So i used to when i took either a drum off - both were reset

I'd pop the drum off The 2 levers for the ratchet mechanism, you simply push 1 down (so they hang free) Move them both back to the SMALLEST Setting

A - drums go back on super easily
B - When you press on the brake, they adjust back out to the max that they can go

However, i had new shoes fitted once by a mechanic, it still didnt hold very well....
Turned out the drums had worn out too
So i replaced the whole lot again
And Bobs my uncle they worked a treat :)

if drums have a wear lip this doesnt help
did you clean up the drum with some 80 grit to deglaze it?
i adjust up the shoes with a small screwdriver through the shoe so i can adjust one click at a time manually

i always advise take photos prior to strip in case you get something wrong
if drums have a wear lip this doesnt help
did you clean up the drum with some 80 grit to deglaze it?
i adjust up the shoes with a small screwdriver through the shoe so i can adjust one click at a time manually

i always advise take photos prior to strip in case you get something wrong

been there lol
When a spring doesnt fit
Or you have 1 spare i often wondered where i went wrong lol

*rips other drum off to find out why lol*

Tbh the drums when i took them off they did honestly have a HUGE lip, a good 3ishmm

So iv done all this.

Im having to press my brake pedal down pretty low then normal and doesn't feel like they are working all that well but isn't that from them bedding in?

Also when applying the handbrake car can still move with a good push.
Did you clean the drums before fitting?
Did you score them up to remove the glaze?
If new Drums - did you clean the storage Film off them?

If the pedal is low - and spongy - there is air in the system
Also check the fluid tank has its cap on tight (be surprised how it affects pressure)

Also when the engine is off - does the pedal get rock hard? and hardly moves after a few pumps on the pedal?

Did you clean the drums before fitting?
Did you score them up to remove the glaze?
If new Drums - did you clean the storage Film off them?

If the pedal is low - and spongy - there is air in the system
Also check the fluid tank has its cap on tight (be surprised how it affects pressure)

Also when the engine is off - does the pedal get rock hard? and hardly moves after a few pumps on the pedal?


Yeah all cleaned up and everything not new drums, drums look in good condition and everything.

Pedal does get rock hard and hardly move after few pumps when the engine off
So is it just literately a case of waiting for them to settle in? Then seeing from there?

Thing that is concerning me is applying my handbrake and still being able to move. Is it ment to act like that untill the shoes settle in?
I know that feeling too - ensure you leave the car in gear and Face the wheels so it'll roll into the kerb if it does somehow move

But give it a few days - make a habbit of making the rear drums work more
They dont do much work to start with - so applying the handbrake makes them work

If you can - allow it work for you in a safe manor, dont rely on it - be prepared to use the footbrake as you do normally

youve linked up a photo with the name alparts on it
i cant find this company however i did find allparts which i believe are not related

what make of shoes have you actually fitted?
are they mintex mfr534
or a copy from somewhere like an internet site?

your mota is mk2 yes

32mm wide
180mm diameteor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> boom:D
I know that feeling too - ensure you leave the car in gear and Face the wheels so it'll roll into the kerb if it does somehow move

But give it a few days - make a habbit of making the rear drums work more
They dont do much work to start with - so applying the handbrake makes them work

If you can - allow it work for you in a safe manor, dont rely on it - be prepared to use the footbrake as you do normally


is that sarf of the river then:p