feels like I am getting at DaveMcT.To test the pump, run a test wire from the battery to the fuel pump. You will need to remove the rear seat base and remove the pump access cover.
But jumping a wire is never a good diagnostic technique and very dangerous there is always other ways
just suppose the fuse has blown due to an internal short
bypassing the fuse by jumping a wire would result in sparking and possibly a fire.
there enough information in eLearn 13 volts at a max of 4.5 amps
I see this advise all over the internet not just by DaveMcT it's never a Good idea. Yes you can often get away with it. But I have seen a blown up ECU and a couple of burnt/melted wires. Just plain luck I haven't seen a car go up yet.
when doing anything similar you must always limit the amps and it's best reserved for a professional or at least someone who understand electrics/electronics. You must also fully understand the wiring and not just poke around blindly