After many issue I finally managed to solve issue and was apparent x 2 glow plugs are shot, anyway managed to remove old glow plugs no issue really.
however I came to fit new glow plugs (said was correct ones when ordered from euro car parts) Old ones were the orginal bosh and new ones are bosh replacements.
According to manuals etc they should be 9mm hex (spanner size) however ones I took out had 10mm heads, and new ones I brought were 8mm heads.
On the new ones the threads looked noticeably smaller tried fit one and went in but definitely the wrong threads as still movement so removed and put old ones back in for time being.
Has anyone got the correct oem part number for 2015 (new shape) 1.3 90 multijet? All ones I've found on line come up with 8mm heads or 9mm heads not the 10mm
however I came to fit new glow plugs (said was correct ones when ordered from euro car parts) Old ones were the orginal bosh and new ones are bosh replacements.
According to manuals etc they should be 9mm hex (spanner size) however ones I took out had 10mm heads, and new ones I brought were 8mm heads.
On the new ones the threads looked noticeably smaller tried fit one and went in but definitely the wrong threads as still movement so removed and put old ones back in for time being.
Has anyone got the correct oem part number for 2015 (new shape) 1.3 90 multijet? All ones I've found on line come up with 8mm heads or 9mm heads not the 10mm