Technical Constant issues with 500X

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Technical Constant issues with 500X


New member
Oct 3, 2023
I'm hoping someone here will have some helpful insight or be able to signpost somewhere that does.

For the past year I've been having issues with my automatic 16 reg 500x petrol. Nowadays I mainly drive short distances, except once a week when I drive around 10 miles for 30-40 mins. The issues started last autumn/winter with the car flagging all manner of electrical errors, none of which show up error codes. Its favourite is the 'check break control' warning light which flashes, beeps and disappears. When it comes up, it's almost always when indicating. I had the car checked in the garage and no break issues 🤷‍♀️.

Last winter it cut out on me, around 40 mins into a drive, It flashed with an 'automatic transmission failure' warning, came out of gear and stopped dead. After 3 mins, I tried turning it on, it came on and drove fine. I took it to a Fiat garage who could find no error codes on the onboard computer but said the battery was a bit low. It was around 2 years old at the time so they drained it and charged it full again. They said it's common to have battery issues when driving shorter journeys, especially with an electronic gear box as it uses a lot of power. It's been fine since then, no issues all through the summer.

Last week, as soon as the weather started changing, it all started again. Twice it brought up an 'automatic transmission failure' warning, the car comes out of gear and dies. After 3 minutes it starts again and drives as normal. Both times it happened about 20 mins into a journey.

I'm in two minds whether to change the battery and see if that resolves the issue before spending a whole day sat in a Fiat garage, only for them to tell me it's a battery issue. Has anyone got any ideas?
Definitely worth getting the battery checked properly and probably the alternator too. Assuming that if the battery is only 2 years or so old it's still under warranty?

One question - you did have the "proper" AGM battery fitted in your car when it was replaced?
Definitely worth getting the battery checked properly and probably the alternator too. Assuming that if the battery is only 2 years or so old it's still under warranty?

One question - you did have the "proper" AGM battery fitted in your car when it was replaced?
The battery is out of warranty now, sadly. Not sure if it was replaced with an AGM battery but I'll check. It wasn't the cheapest one available and was matched to the car in the shop but I can't remember now.
Do check on the correct procedure it may well not be as easy as swappping over, and may need a recoding. I t does sound like the battery may be at the bottom of this and it at an age where it could just be getting tired. A bit like me.
The battery is out of warranty now, sadly. Not sure if it was replaced with an AGM battery but I'll check. It wasn't the cheapest one available and was matched to the car in the shop but I can't remember now.
I would definitely get it load checked and double check it's the right version for a car with stop-start
Do check on the correct procedure it may well not be as easy as swappping over, and may need a recoding. I t does sound like the battery may be at the bottom of this and it at an age where it could just be getting tired. A bit like me.
Thanks for that. I've looked in the owner handbook and no specific instructions are given when it comes to replacing the battery, other than resetting the steering after the battery is replaced. Is there somewhere else I need to check?
An update, which may be helpful.

I popped to my local auto parts shop today, where I purchased the battery from. They are usually very good and knowledgeable, and very reliable. They've been there for decades. The guy said they will have replaced like-for-like, the current battery is an EFB (Varta N60 is all I could see) but the previous battery could've been replaced by the previous owner.

The battery tested a bit low. He suggested I took it for a 30-60 min drive then come back and he'll re-test to get an idea of how low it actually is. They guy also said that if I can find the transaction and it's around 3-ish years ago, they'll replace the battery and I can upgrade to an AGM one paying the difference (they can update the car computer to the different battery). I found the transaction for the battery and it is still under warranty as it was Jan 2021, so that's good.

He then plugged his code reader to my car and there were no codes there for transmission issues. He said there were a few for body control module but said they look like nothing - but could this be the root cause?
Hi 🙂. Modern cars are covered in sensors

They anticipate a reasonable voltage..

Any high loads.. And the voltage can drop - starving the sensor momentarily... So you get a ping.. A light on.. But no code.

Simpler cars.. like the older panda..
it would ZERO the clock with the effort of starting.. A great pointer 🙂. More complex cars are trickier... But low use and a slightly dubious battery make a fairly straightforward diagnosis..
Backed up by your trouble free summer 👍

Also great to hear you have a supportive place with your batteries😎
I'm hoping someone here will have some helpful insight or be able to signpost somewhere that does.

For the past year I've been having issues with my automatic 16 reg 500x petrol. Nowadays I mainly drive short distances, except once a week when I drive around 10 miles for 30-40 mins. The issues started last autumn/winter with the car flagging all manner of electrical errors, none of which show up error codes. Its favourite is the 'check break control' warning light which flashes, beeps and disappears. When it comes up, it's almost always when indicating. I had the car checked in the garage and no break issues 🤷‍♀️.

Last winter it cut out on me, around 40 mins into a drive, It flashed with an 'automatic transmission failure' warning, came out of gear and stopped dead. After 3 mins, I tried turning it on, it came on and drove fine. I took it to a Fiat garage who could find no error codes on the onboard computer but said the battery was a bit low. It was around 2 years old at the time so they drained it and charged it full again. They said it's common to have battery issues when driving shorter journeys, especially with an electronic gear box as it uses a lot of power. It's been fine since then, no issues all through the summer.

Last week, as soon as the weather started changing, it all started again. Twice it brought up an 'automatic transmission failure' warning, the car comes out of gear and dies. After 3 minutes it starts again and drives as normal. Both times it happened about 20 mins into a journey.

I'm in two minds whether to change the battery and see if that resolves the issue before spending a whole day sat in a Fiat garage, only for them to tell me it's a battery issue. Has anyone got any ideas?
What year and which engine?
I kept my old 2015 500X 1.4 battery.

Mopar Heavy Duty 12V 60Ah 500A EN2.SAE - Fiat P/N: 51980577
Exide P/N: 438500-HD

There are none of the (A) or (B) markings shown below. Also a search on Fiat & Exide numbers only reveal some confusion / lack of info out there.

Exide website for 500X 334 has:



Details / Compare

Part number: EL600

CCA: 640A

Capacity (C20): 60 Ah


From the 500X eLearn. So for Start / Stop it looks like Fait fitted a Flooded A2 battery and not an AGB B1 or B2.

I'm hoping someone here will have some helpful insight or be able to signpost somewhere that does.

For the past year I've been having issues with my automatic 16 reg 500x petrol. Nowadays I mainly drive short distances, except once a week when I drive around 10 miles for 30-40 mins. The issues started last autumn/winter with the car flagging all manner of electrical errors, none of which show up error codes. Its favourite is the 'check break control' warning light which flashes, beeps and disappears. When it comes up, it's almost always when indicating. I had the car checked in the garage and no break issues 🤷‍♀️.

Last winter it cut out on me, around 40 mins into a drive, It flashed with an 'automatic transmission failure' warning, came out of gear and stopped dead. After 3 mins, I tried turning it on, it came on and drove fine. I took it to a Fiat garage who could find no error codes on the onboard computer but said the battery was a bit low. It was around 2 years old at the time so they drained it and charged it full again. They said it's common to have battery issues when driving shorter journeys, especially with an electronic gear box as it uses a lot of power. It's been fine since then, no issues all through the summer.

Last week, as soon as the weather started changing, it all started again. Twice it brought up an 'automatic transmission failure' warning, the car comes out of gear and dies. After 3 minutes it starts again and drives as normal. Both times it happened about 20 mins into a journey.

I'm in two minds whether to change the battery and see if that resolves the issue before spending a whole day sat in a Fiat garage, only for them to tell me it's a battery issue. Has anyone got any ideas?
In my own experience the battery was the culprit