Update: The coils have been fitted! Pics to follow later.
Car is looking and handling great! Really happy with how it's sitting just now! But will leave it a couple weeks for the coils to settle, before I consider dropping it slightly lower, depending on how it ends up.
Had a slight issue with the camber when I got the wheels re-aligned, but the guy said it's barely out, literally minimal camber on 2 wheels. I can get adjustment bolts to fix it, but while it still meets manufacturer requirements, I can simply leave it be.
Next step I think is to give her a good cleaning, and then save up for a Cadamuro Bonnet. I've been in talks with Mike Stebbings of M-S Racing, who may have something lined up for me, but time will tell!
Car is looking and handling great! Really happy with how it's sitting just now! But will leave it a couple weeks for the coils to settle, before I consider dropping it slightly lower, depending on how it ends up.
Had a slight issue with the camber when I got the wheels re-aligned, but the guy said it's barely out, literally minimal camber on 2 wheels. I can get adjustment bolts to fix it, but while it still meets manufacturer requirements, I can simply leave it be.
Next step I think is to give her a good cleaning, and then save up for a Cadamuro Bonnet. I've been in talks with Mike Stebbings of M-S Racing, who may have something lined up for me, but time will tell!