Anyone think I should investigate this further or leave it as it is?
Each time I put in a new brake light bulb shortly after a hole burns into the side of it - can anyone say why on earth that would keep happening?
Each time I put in a new brake light bulb shortly after a hole burns into the side of it - can anyone say why on earth that would keep happening?
Are you really sure some lamp hasn't burned out.. cause I used to get this message just the same way as you are.. fully random.. and as it turned out the two brakelights on my boot hatch were gone and I used to think they are just for decorationWell, changed the battery and still get random BRKE Light Failure on the dash. Really annoying, don't know what do do anymore.
Thing is, brake lamp is working just fine, with or without the error on the dash. What's wrong?
EDIT: I wanted to go downstairs to take a picture of the dash with the error on, started the engine, error gone. What about the 3 clean starts policy? :slayer:
View attachment 81905
Hi, Welcome to the FF.
You need to use electrical contact cleaner, not WD40 to clean the contacts. WD40 is oil based and will insulate the connectors rather than clean them.
While you have the bulb holders removed, disconnect, clean and refit the electrical plugs as well.
Also while you're in there, for the sake of £2, fit new bulbs to both brake lights. The warning system works by measuring the circuit resistance and after time, the resistance of old bulbs can change, generating false warnings.
actually Davren am i right in saying that B is the break light on the diagram? sorry for being thick..
last question promise, well for now. you state that....Some versions have a single filament 21W bulb for the brake lights. Some have a 21W/5W combined brake and tail light bulb.
how do i determine what i have?I have Fiat Stilo 2004
Yes, I think so. I have a MW and haven't fitted bulbs for a saloon. It would appear that the diagram from the handbook I posted above has incorrecly labelled B as a tail light. Best thing is to watch the rear lights while someone is pressing the brake pedal (with ignition switched on) to confirm which one is the brake light.
Either check the old bulbs, you will be able to see whether there is 1 or 2 filaments inside the glass bulb or, if you suspect the wrong bulbs have been fitted, after removing the bulb, look in the bulb holder to see whether there are 1 or 2 metal contacts in the bottom of it.
The bulb list from the handbook says the 3 door Stilo should have a single filament 21W bulb for the brake light. That would be bulb type 382.
This seems rather strange.
Row 11 in the handbook bulb list above says the 5 door car has a combined tail light and rear fog lamp bulb (4W/21W). I've never heard of, or seen a twin filament bulb being used for a tail light/rear fog light. I suspect that may be another mistake and it should read tail light/brake light. Rear fog light is shown further down the list as being a 21W bulb for all models.
I think we should disregard the handbook diagrams and once you've ascertained which is your brake light in the light cluster, replace the bulb like for like.