Basic Guide: How to Clean your Car

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Basic Guide: How to Clean your Car

When the car is waxed or sealed with a resin sealant... then what should your washing regieme be? Snowfoam and rinse/dry only?

what ever you want within reason..

(worth noting Super resin polish wont last long at all its a polish not a dedicated sealant)

i snow foam, wash with shampoo rinse and dry,...

longevity depends on a lot of factors but using a decent car shampoo in the correct dilution shouldn't harm the wax/sealant
Wheels would normally be clayed AFTER the car is clayed, so you can get the most use of the clay bar as contamination of the bar isn't as much of an issue if used on wheels.

e.g. use clean clay on car, when dirty keep for re-use on wheels and/or sills/shuts etc.
ok guys. currently i wash with acid rain neutralising shampoo rinse off the auto glym super resin and this gives a good shine but im looking to expand more!
anything within a small budget. Where can i get clay fro, does anywhere like halfords or motorworld etc sell it?
yeah only problem is i dont have paypal so cant really buy stuff online. Much rather go to shop and buy it lol. meguiars good stuff?
meh. do you use clay on all the car bodywork? basically plan to follow your plan but without the snofoam as i dont have. want car looking shiney for Stanford hall
The Bravo was looking great on Sunday (y)

I'm in a hard water area and tbh, i just rinse it off and dry it as i say above.

you can get anal and use purified/ filtered water like VXRMarc etc, but its just not worth it imo!
trouble with that is rainwater is not generally clean after it has been in in gutters/ downpipes (if this is what you mean by off shot)? I once accidently filled my screenwash up with rainwater out of the butt and it left disgusting marks all over the car/ windscreen when i used it!
Hey guys - thought this would be a good place to ask seeing as you seem like car-wash experts (y)

I've got some Auto-bahm - have only used it once so far (apply, then buff off) - How often should it be put on? Considering I usually wash the car every 1-2 weeks depending on time/weather. Should I be putting anything on top after buffing it off?

Cheers x
Hey guys - thought this would be a good place to ask seeing as you seem like car-wash experts (y)

I've got some Auto-bahm - have only used it once so far (apply, then buff off) - How often should it be put on? Considering I usually wash the car every 1-2 weeks depending on time/weather. Should I be putting anything on top after buffing it off?

Cheers x

agree with Tris...last approx 3 months..or do it when it stops beading/sheeting or you just want an improvement in looks tbh

a QD would help for the in between ones something like CG speed wipe(nice smell btw) also works well as a drying aid so does to jobs nicely....smells like strawberries btw...:p