Bad Smell?

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Bad Smell?

Jul 1, 2014
I had a crappy 'trashy' smell in the Panda when I got it and took out all the disposable air freshners, after putting my own in for a month the second I removed them the smell came back...

But finally, a seemingly long term fix!

Sprayed it with this cheap but promising spray I picked up from Savers or somewhere..$_35.JPG

Neutradol, the spray itself has a general fresh smell which is a bit strong when you spray it, but if you do it when you're finished your journey, it should smell fresh and clean by your next trip.

I spray it a little bit down the car (from the front, toward the back in the air) and that seems to get the smell to stop completely wherever it is actually coming from.

Thought I'd share my success in trying to tackle this problem with the rest of you! Hope it works for you.
It wouldn't surprise me if your air-conditioning is the source of the problem.

An aircon system is a bit like your bathroom at home, you often even up with a warm damp environment which will breed mould / bacteria. unless you keep it clean. This can then lead to some rather ripe smells - some systems are worse than others.

Ideally you want to give it a bit of a regular 'service' so you change the cabin filter and run some air-con cleaner through the system.

They tend to be bug-bomb style things, so it'll tell you to set the air-con up in a specific way, usually turn to coldest setting, set it to recirculate the air, fans to max and then set off the canister and leave for 10 minutes.

They're the sort of thing you can pick up from any motorfactors / Halfords type place for around £10.
It wouldn't surprise me if your air-conditioning is the source of the problem.

An aircon system is a bit like your bathroom at home, you often even up with a warm damp environment which will breed mould / bacteria. unless you keep it clean. This can then lead to some rather ripe smells - some systems are worse than others.

Ideally you want to give it a bit of a regular 'service' so you change the cabin filter and run some air-con cleaner through the system.

They tend to be bug-bomb style things, so it'll tell you to set the air-con up in a specific way, usually turn to coldest setting, set it to recirculate the air, fans to max and then set off the canister and leave for 10 minutes.

They're the sort of thing you can pick up from any motorfactors / Halfords type place for around £10.


In 2019, I am not able to solve the problem of the bad smell in the car. As I am dating my girlfriend broke away as she was getting foul smell whenever we went for a date. The smell of smoke and drinks just spoiled the ambiance of my car. With many types of fragrance available in the market, I have used many. Typically, someone has Arotags that use to create sweet smell, But created the bad smell in the car. Can anybody help me out and guide me what to do in this situation.

In 2019, I am not able to solve the problem of the bad smell in the car. As I am dating my girlfriend broke away as she was getting foul smell whenever we went for a date. The smell of smoke and drinks just spoiled the ambiance of my car. With many types of fragrance available in the market, I have used many. Typically, someone has Arotags that use to create sweet smell, But created the bad smell in the car. Can anybody help me out and guide me what to do in this situation.

Mines turned out to be damp microfibre cloths in the boot. (Thrown in there and left after a wash). When I removed that the car was back to being fresh
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