Greater London Auto Italia - Brooklands 2013

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Greater London Auto Italia - Brooklands 2013

Auto Italia - Brooklands 2013
Posted by ben
Brooklands Museum Trust Limited
Saturday, May 4, 2013 - 01:00 AM
Until: Saturday, May 4, 2013 - 04:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
Will be coming along to this just need to book my ticket.
Ok, first post updated with times and initial meeting point (Tesco).

Also - if we could have a few volunteers who can get to Brooklands itself a bit before 8am and help us put up the marquee (so it's all ready for the cars arriving at 8:30!)

We are staying in the area so may be available.
Ill be down early Saturday morning to help out ben

Also If anybody would be kind enough to bring a laptop with fiatecuscan so i can reset/remove my service indicator? ....the downside to doing your own servicing....

I believe alex is cause i asked if he could proxi-align my speedo and possibly get rid of airbag light if he can lol

If I'm joining the convoy from tesco is it alright to buy I ticket on the day? or will I need to pre book a ticket?

Because I dont know if Im 100% coming yet but I will know by Monday & if I book them then they probably won't arrive on time.

You can buy on the day but at a slight higher price (£14 i think) buy online its £12.

If I'm joining the convoy from tesco is it alright to buy I ticket on the day? or will I need to pre book a ticket?

Because I dont know if Im 100% coming yet but I will know by Monday & if I book them then they probably won't arrive on time.

I bought mine last night. You can pre book them up to Monday lunchtime, after that it's on the day. If you're buying just one ticket you only save £1.25, but if you are buying several it is worth buying online.