Technical Air Con leak on 1.2 Panda

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Technical Air Con leak on 1.2 Panda


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Aug 13, 2024
Hi - After a run of approximately 25 miles last night with the air con operating, I noticed that after turning the engine off there was a small puddle of water under the car. It wasn't radiator coolant and it wasn't screen wash, so I'm assuming it was air con fluid? I started the car again this morning and put the air con on and it was fine when running ie no leaks, but when I switched off, it leaked again. I have looked as much as I can, but cannot find the source of the leak. The car has done little over 5k miles and is a 2019, 1.2 engined version. Is there a pressure relief valve that dumps the coolant if it's over pressure? Any help would be much appreciated
All cars with air con do this. It’s not leaking anything. The chiller ‘radiator’ in the car gets condensation on it (just like a cold drinks bottle) and that condensate is drained out through a pipe under the car, near the clutch pedal. (If you have the car’s instruction book, it explains this in there :) )

(By the way, if you have a car with air con and don’t find a puddle under it, then there is a problem, as it means that drain is blocked. My Multipla used to smell horrid in the Summer. Eventually I lifted the carpet and found it soaking underneath, because that drain pipe was bent and was draining into the soundproofing under the carpet!)
All cars with air con do this. It’s not leaking anything. The chiller ‘radiator’ in the car gets condensation on it (just like a cold drinks bottle) and that condensate is drained out through a pipe under the car, near the clutch pedal. (If you have the car’s instruction book, it explains this in there :) )

(By the way, if you have a car with air con and don’t find a puddle under it, then there is a problem, as it means that drain is blocked. My Multipla used to smell horrid in the Summer. Eventually I lifted the carpet and found it soaking underneath, because that drain pipe was bent and was draining into the soundproofing under the carpet!)
Many thanks for clarifying (y)
By the way, if you have a car with air con and don’t find a puddle under it, then there is a problem, as it means that drain is blocked. My Multipla used to smell horrid in the Summer. Eventually I lifted the carpet and found it soaking underneath, because that drain pipe was bent and was draining into the soundproofing under the carpet!

My old MG TF did this (yes, I had a rare one with AC). Every time I went round a roundabout it pee-ed ice cold water onto the passenger's feet.