Technical A few Panda Foibles

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Technical A few Panda Foibles

While googling away to try and find a solution to this ridiculously expensive but simple problem, I've noticed that Iveco Euro bus is mentioned in the same description as fiat panda. Am I just going mad, or are these the same part?

Also, is a) possible and b) easy ish to swap the electric window for a manual one? Seems the regulator mechanism is cheaper than the electric ones and as it's the passenger it's not so important to be electric opening.

Sorry to keep hounding you all with questions. I just can't believe one stupid bit if plastic could write the car off as uneconomical to repair!
It's possible the Iveco part is identical but have no way to confirm without buying one and comparing - maybe someone on here has access to an Iveco parts list.
Converting to a manual mechanism is possible, but you would have to butcher the door card, and find a suitable winder handle.
Not all replacement mechanisms come with the motor, and I have seen these at fairly cheap prices before (no idea of quality though). Swapping the motor over is pretty simple - if your motor is OK and you want to go this route there's a guide on here somewhere.
If anyone has a 3D scanner and printer setup I can lend my last pair of genuine undamaged complete clips for the price of the scan file (posted on the forum!)... any takers?
I've done a few 3D printed parts for the Barchetta. For fiddly pieces it can be difficult to 3D print things with sufficient strength. Rather than 3D scanning I've tended to work with measurements taken with digital calipers. If no Panda owner is in a position to give it a go then I don't mind trying
Oil over MAP sensor
Plug gap too wide

Would be the most common

Personally I would suspect the MAP first as it only one bolt

But if the manifold has oil sitting in the bottom cleaning it will only last a day or so

.that why I asked what the top of the throttle body looks like, if it's full of mayo it's going to need a rag down there, if it's only slightly oily it's time to pull the plugs and check them

My 2009 1.2 Dynamic had a similar but minor juddering character up to around 1500rpm. No fault codes nor anything looking out of order in MES. So, spurred on by comments above by @koalar I bought a new Bosch branded MAP sensor, and Hey Presto! problem is solved and the car is driving really nicely. Cost was £18.
My 2009 1.2 Dynamic had a similar but minor juddering character up to around 1500rpm. No fault codes nor anything looking out of order in MES. So, spurred on by comments above by @koalar I bought a new Bosch branded MAP sensor, and Hey Presto! problem is solved and the car is driving really nicely. Cost was £18.
Thanks for the heads up. Demon got through the MOT this morning thank God! But it appears we might now need a new reversing light or switch, so while we're pulling things apart might swap the sensors to see if it helps...
If the reversing light does not come on at all

The bulb the most likely

If there's no visible break in the filament check, with multi meter for continuity if you have no multimeter apply battery voltage to it
If the reversing light does not come on at all

The bulb the most likely

If there's no visible break in the filament check, with multi meter for continuity if you have no multimeter apply battery voltage to it
Mum double checked when I got home and said no light but garage said he thought it could be the switch. Will check fully tomorrow.
My 2009 1.2 Dynamic had a similar but minor juddering character up to around 1500rpm. No fault codes nor anything looking out of order in MES. So, spurred on by comments above by @koalar I bought a new Bosch branded MAP sensor, and Hey Presto! problem is solved and the car is driving really nicely. Cost was £18.
Can you tell me, where did you order from? I've been quoted £26 for an aftermarket so far. 🤔
I used a £5 second hand one from the breakers of a Punto

They rarely need changing, normally a spray is all that's needed

In fact you normally don't even have to disconnect the cable

There's some photos at the end of the

2010 Fiat Panda - Parts recommendation​

Mum double checked when I got home and said no light but garage said he thought it could be the switch. Will check fully tomorrow.
It's at least 100-1 in favour of the bulb

Several people have successfully upgraded the light output, you will need to search through the forum to see what they used

Not something I ever bothered doing, for me isn't a problem, however I can see it being useful if you say reverse down a narrow drive regularly

I would probably upgrade if I had to change the bulb anyway,
My local fiat dealer was able to get me a plastic window clip, but I had to wait ages for it to be delivered from Italy and quite cheap. However it was a right pain to fit as wires inside motor had snagged, in the end I purchased a hole replacement electric window regulator from flea bay for around £50 notes , and apart from having to change the bolts to hold it in place was a doddle to fit. I did have lots of practice taking the regulator out trying to fit the plastic clip
1. There seems to be a bit of a "dead" spot around 1500 rpm in third gear, where the car judders a bit, almost kangaroo jumping until you dip the clutch and adjust the revs. I have had a similar thing before and had the ECU sent away but it came back that there were no issues, but I think there was an issue in all gears rather than just this one spot in one gear.

did you manage to sort this?

If not, perhaps the ‘“dead" spot around 1500 rpm in third gear’ might itself be the problem? Some (many?) cars (especially smaller engines) struggle to pull cleanly at low revs in higher gears (also called “labouring” the engine) and which is not good for engine longevity. How does the car behave, say, pulling from 2,000 rpm + higher revs?
Yes it's electric. The whole roof is glass with the front half opening over the back half.
Don't think it's after market. If so they did a very good job to put it in and look seamless!
Or... somebody else in N. I. had one, and LOTS of trouble when it got damaged 😕
Personally I don't have a reader. Dad has a VERY basic code reader. I was thinking about buying a Bluetooth one off Amazon but haven't got the foggiest what to look for!
As for the plugs, they're going to be changed soon as part of the pre MOT service, so will take a look then. Just wondered if it was a common thing so I could get it sorted while doing the service etc.
@varesecrazy I have been summoned!!! Thanks for the mention. It might have been WeeSmurf who had a sun roof?

Hi @DemonPandaOwner - nice to meet a fellow NI Panda owner! I owned a 2005 1.2 Dynamic from 2015-2019 - although I didn't have a sunroof so I can't advise too effectively on that one. I had issues with a driver electric window motor - some of which info might be transferrable. I thought at the time the motor went, but it turned out to be one of the little plastic clips in the mechanism. I'm trying to think back if I got a new clip (and from where) or if I took it apart (photos) and just fixed something. I'm only 28 and yet my memory of my most beloved ex-car seems to be fading already.

In regards to a scan tool, we have this circa-£100 Autel DiagLink - the kind where you can buy 'brand packs' to get the generic and brand specific fault codes. We've bought various makes for this but not Fiat. I'd be happy to land down with this, and buy the Fiat packs and let you scan it / spend some time seeing if it can give you any insight into the issue?

However, I'm not sure how 'smart' the early 2000s system might be. On one hand, Fiat uses Bosch / Magnetti Marelli and reputable commonly found electronic computers and sensors and bits on these cars - so those might extend to management of the sun roof system, especially since as you've found, it's quite a well designed (all electric) system which I doubt was found on any other little cars back then. Or, it could be a fairly manual motor system that simply just pushes in one direction until it gets a cut off signal. - sorry I can't advise from my own knowledge. I

f someone on here can advise, perhaps you'd want me to come to you with the scan tool sometime? MultiECUScan is the ideal optimal tool for Fiat group cars but I never had this back in the day, I used generic scan tools at the time sometimes but most of my issues were not computer related and fairly common across most cars and diagnosable by a bit of digging around the engine bay. If you plan to keep the car for the long term a sensor for your phone and the MultiECUScan app might be the best option. But you're more than welcome to make use of my scan tool.

I'm located around Londonderry / Londonderry area, I spotted you said 120 miles to the nearest dealer (Belfast Donnelly Fiat Mallusk yeah?). I'm about 70 miles away so you might be close to me. Btw, there is a Fiat dealer in Moville, Donegal (ROI) I've never visited myself and I don't know how prices compare, but might be worth a call or a visit, who knows, in the past they might have dealt with this issue and might be able to pin point the part or common issue as well as source you the correct clip.

Donnelly Group used to have a Fiat dealer here but closed it, now they just run the Peugeot / Renault one in Maydown. If you PM me, I'll tell you the name of the guy who used to work the Fiat dealer parts counter here before it closed. The dealership has been closed since 2019 or so I think, but I was down there last year relating to Toyota and bumped into the same guy - he probably has good enough knowledge of Fiat issues / part orders to be able to be of help too? I won't post his name here but PM me and I'll send you who to ask for. Worth a shot, right? :)

Hope you get sorted. Feel free to give me a shout if you need any specific help with your Panda, but this forum is an abolute gold mine. I've owned a Citroen (DS), a Toyota and now a Lexus and I've looked far and wide across Google... forums... Facebook... there is no other community like this for any car brand I've found. The knowledge and friendliness of members on here are probably more to do with my love of the Panda than Fiat could claim. Including ordering body panels in the right colour that on eBay didn't ship to NI, a prominent member on here was nice enough to order it and send it on to me. You're in the best place!


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HURRAY HURRAH! Finally got the window clip fitted today. Ordered from Tomo parts via ebay and the first one came through broken. BUT after a quick email they sent another through no quibble.
Followed the instructions some kind person posted here on the forum and hey presto the window works again!
Thanks to all who commented or offered advice. It was much appreciated.
We have bought the air filter throttle body sealing grommet thing, from Parts Ford at about £6 inc VAT. Haven't fit it yet so will update once done.
HURRAY HURRAH! Finally got the window clip fitted today. Ordered from Tomo parts via ebay and the first one came through broken. BUT after a quick email they sent another through no quibble.
Followed the instructions some kind person posted here on the forum and hey presto the window works again!
Thanks to all who commented or offered advice. It was much appreciated.
We have bought the air filter throttle body sealing grommet thing, from Parts Ford at about £6 inc VAT. Haven't fit it yet so will update once done.
Woo! Thanks for sharing the outcome. What I loved most about my old Panda was nearly every single issue was one that has virtually happened to all of the owners on here, so like this, lots of people always came on to point to what ended up being the right solution and I learned something new about car repair. Glad you're having the same experience and saved a few £££ on throwing random parts at it :)