Technical 500x pop 1.4L turbo not starting

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Technical 500x pop 1.4L turbo not starting


New member
Feb 28, 2025
I am having some serious trouble with my mother in laws 2016 500x. She broke down in a parking lot, and had her towed to the house. I have no prior experience with the multi air engines so I’m shooting in the dark.
At first, my ear picked up on a possible timing belt issue. So, I took the covers off, and replaced the belt and then water pump. The car did not jump time. Put it back together, put a new battery on it, nothing.
Changed the oil pressure sensor because that code was pulling up, turns out it was just unplugged from taking off the covers for the timing belt. Oddly enough, I went to start the vehicle while it was jacked up. It took a few, but it started up on the jacks. Good to go I thought. Pieced everything together and went to start it to drive it back to my mother in law and nothing. Same slow churning start.
Checked the oil for any metal. Nothing.
Replaced the multi air oil filter. Nothing.
Went to test the multi air valve system, all tested equal ohms.

At this point, I’m punching above my weight class. The car turns, but does not start. Any help would be great.
500c pop 1.4 multi air turbo
So I just ran the codes again, and got P1046.

Before all this, car was running just fine. No problems at all. She went into the local store to pick up a few things, came back out and nothing. As far as I do know, fuel is being delivered. I can hear the pump pressurizing but haven’t looked enough to see if the fuel pump is run on a sensor or timer.