Technical 2001 Ducato Radiator fan running constantly

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Technical 2001 Ducato Radiator fan running constantly


Apr 7, 2015
I’ve just had fun replacing my radiator ( after one damaged in delivery, another manufacture fault and and another damaged but salavaged by using old part) in a 2001 Fiat Ducato 2.8idtd based motorhome, but now the radiator fans run constantly when the radiator switch is connected.
Is there anyway of test the switch or is it a case of buy new.
I believe that your radiator fans will be controlled by a two stage thermostat, via relays behind the dash.
You are obviously familiar with the thermostat, which should have 3 connections, specifically earth, fan 1, and fan 2. With a cold engine there should be no connection between any of the three connections on the thermostat when disconnected. A simple continuity test with test lamp, buzzer, or multimeter should suffice. I suspect that access for testing may be a problem.

Here is a link to a possible replacement on Ebay.
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So there should be no reading between any contacts on the switch. The one you link to looks ok and at that price it would be worth a try if if I get a reading between connections
So there should be no reading between any contacts on the switch. The one you link to looks ok and at that price it would be worth a try if if I get a reading between connections
View attachment 460176
Normal arrangement is two contacts with a common connection. The first contact closes at a lower temperature than the second, so if temperature continues to rise with one fan running, the second fan is switched on. With a cold or normal temperature engine, I would not expect either fan to be operating, so the contacts will have to be open.
Normal arrangement is two contacts with a common connection. The first contact closes at a lower temperature than the second, so if temperature continues to rise with one fan running, the second fan is switched on. With a cold or normal temperature engine, I would not expect either fan to be operating, so the contacts will have to be open.
More testing today, on a cold radiator.
3 wires to the switch and if I put my multimeter on continuity, I get a reading on common and one wire but not when I test common to the other wire.
Put a jump wire from common and one wire both fans start, so it’s the switch I think, as you said
More testing today, on a cold radiator.
3 wires to the switch and if I put my multimeter on continuity, I get a reading on common and one wire but not when I test common to the other wire.
Put a jump wire from common and one wire both fans start, so it’s the switch I think, as you said
Are you testing the switch with it disconnected?
As both contacts should be open, you first test does suggest that the switch is faulty.
However, I am struggling to understand as to why your second test operates both fans.
Was the ignition on, or off, when the short was applied?
I have a memory of some engines not requiring ignition on for fans to run. This allowed cooling of a hot engine, after switching off. This was discussed in a thread, a few years ago, where fans were running continuously, akin to your problem.
Yes fans running without ignition on.
When I did jump test common to the other contact I can hear a clicking in the bow at the top of fan shroud but with jump on the problem contact both fans run.
Switch ordered so will report back.
Yes fans running without ignition on.
When I did jump test common to the other contact I can hear a clicking in the bow at the top of fan shroud but with jump on the problem contact both fans run.
Switch ordered so will report back.
I am still not happy as to why both fans start at the same time. You mention a clicking noise from the fan shroud. Some installations have a fan control box in that area. A forum search reveals mention of a faulty relay in such a box, so perhaps worth checking it out?
@Nickkdx , I think that you will be interested in the following extract from a post on the MH Fun forum, made in January 2024. (I had bookmarked the page and then almost forgotten about it, but I still think that there was a similar problem to yours aired on FF.

"3) The 3 wire lower right corner mounted radiator temperature sender is a twin thermoswitch which grounds the fan relays. It switches at two different temps:
a) on first switch closing it controls a relay to fan 1 taking the ballast resistor out of circuit, hence changing from slow speed to standard.
b) on second switch closing a second relay energises fan 2 at standard speed."
I am still not happy as to why both fans start at the same time. You mention a clicking noise from the fan shroud. Some installations have a fan control box in that area. A forum search reveals mention of a faulty relay in such a box, so perhaps worth checking it out?
I concur here, there is a relay box on the fan shroud and they are prone to having issues. I would start here.
@Nickkdx , I think that you will be interested in the following extract from a post on the MH Fun forum, made in January 2024. (I had bookmarked the page and then almost forgotten about it, but I still think that there was a similar problem to yours aired on FF.

"3) The 3 wire lower right corner mounted radiator temperature sender is a twin thermoswitch which grounds the fan relays. It switches at two different temps:
a) on first switch closing it controls a relay to fan 1 taking the ballast resistor out of circuit, hence changing from slow speed to standard.
b) on second switch closing a second relay energises fan 2 at standard speed."
I must of missed that thread on Motorhomefun.
When the switch arrives I will try it and then I can leave the campsite I’m on.
Then investigate the control box at later date when I get home and find a small spanner to remove the control box cover, which I have got with me.
I’ve just had fun replacing my radiator ( after one damaged in delivery, another manufacture fault and and another damaged but salavaged by using old part) in a 2001 Fiat Ducato 2.8idtd based motorhome, but now the radiator fans run constantly when the radiator switch is connected.
Is there anyway of test the switch or is it a case of buy new.
Oh dear , you have been put through the ringer ent ya ? .

If it makes you feel any better , i've had exactly the same thing with my small Suzuki van . The replacement leaked , second was assembled upside down , third one actually worked . They were all recored , but the second was a killer . Couldn't understand why the dam thing wouldn't fit until i realised it had been made up upside down . Took me ages to figure it out too . The third was my original , that had been recored on the hoof . Fair play to the guy , he did his level best to sort it out , even took to delivering them himself .

You seem to have your initial problem covered , so i'll stay outta the way . I have exactly the same van , just a year older at 2000 , but my advice would be the same . Only thing i would add , is in the main for information to @Communicator . The fan relays are mounted inside the engine bay , on the right hand fan shroud . They are not mounted inside the cab . But as you already have them this is immaterial anyway .