Jesus ! it's just a exhaust, some folk like them loud others don't. I don't see what all this homeowner BS has to do with anything. But just for the record I'm 35 and have a mortgage that will be paid off in 15 years and I will then own my home. ?
Ref the MGB, you are probably too young to remember them
But, the exhaust note as you put it, was via a 3 pipe manifold (due to the non crossflow 5 port head - centre pipe was 2 into one port... ) this made it faily special - mini was same - also most of the overall 'note' came from the twin SU carbs combined with the exhaust. this was natural though - not designer tuned.. and although it was a fun car, it handled like a bag of spanners and was lethal.
The MG midget with 12G295 big valve ported head, LCB manifold, 649 cam with split 40 twin webers on a Mangoletsi inlet sounded superb, because it WAS superb !.. that was REAL tuning, not pretend 'toy' sounds.
We were getting more power out of 1275 minis in 1980 than the panda 100HP is now.. and a well sorted mini would leave it standing - thats the problem now, people dont 'tune' and modify - they just bolt on a graphic equaliser..![]()
Jesus ! it's just a exhaust, some folk like them loud others don't. I don't see what all this homeowner BS has to do with anything. But just for the record I'm 35 and have a mortgage that will be paid off in 15 years and I will then own my home. ��
Wrong again Cap'n matey, owned an MGB GT for about 5 years, sold it about 30 years ago. It wasn't quick but was reasonable handling for it's performance and far from 'lethal'. Now my Vitesse with the 150bhp 2.5 engine - that WAS lethal if you were stupid enough to back off in a corner.
You cannot compare a hand built tuned engine to a bog std manufacturers engine. Those high power A-series you were building in the 80's will have been very 'cammy', absolutely rubbish around town, probably returning about 25mpg and lasting 30K miles before needing a rebuild.The 100hp is a decent shopping car that does everything pretty well for 100K+ miles and doesn't kill you when you hit something at more than 10mph. It's not a sports car.
Nooo Nooo Nooo young Luke, the minis were perfectly tractable with a 649 cam in in the larger capacity A's.. just needed the right head and flow..... they were superb about town too. Again, too young to appreciate..
of which Vitesse so you speak ? not the triumph pi ? - death on a stick..
The MGB WAS crap handling, no denying it - even MG thought so... be real and fess up.. it was a horrible car to drive.. nasty... looked good (as roadster!) .. but .....
Hmm, 'tis amazing anyone bothered to invent variable valve timing, variable lift, fuel injection, fuel mapping etc in the quest to achieve decent power at high revs and tractibility at low revs. Waste of time, just call on the Cap'n for his A-series special! (Hey, no need for any of that Twin cam 16v nonsense either!)
The mini was undeniably a revelation in handling for its time. The MGB was normal for its time - it just went on for way too long. The Triumph Vitesse was great fun in convertible form but the swing-spring rear suspension could be deadly![]()
Yup, thats why Toyata had to 'invent' Tvis... (cos 16V caused low end power loss) and also why most reputable tuning companies welded the ports prior to grinding them (narrowed them) on the VX 16V units......
VVT is mostly for fuel economy... unplug it and see... fuel injection and fuel mapping is cheaper and more reliable, and adapts to the engine - and again is more fuel efficient... the motor car engine has not 'really'altered that much Luke... like a sport button on a 100hp, load of crap really, as all it does apart from increase user steering effort, is simulate putting your foot harder on the accelerator,, advancement ? - nope - codology..... things are cetainly more reliable, and fuel efficient, but not more powerful, or indeed, in a lot of cases, more tractable. it is not a quantum leap, but it is better engineering now. :worship:
Happy soul aren't you!Jeez - whats all this about mortgages !! :devil: :bang:
Statistics, as young skywalker likes to quote, dictate that actually you will move before then on the next boom bust bubble - hence increasing your mortgage to a never ending spiral of doom and gloom and probably a nasty little rash..:coo
Nobody mentioned 'Chavs' afaik - until you did..Guys, let him be. Cant you see, his stats? Joined in Feb 2014 and already on 600+ posts. I mean its quite obvious we have another FF troll on our hands (reason why I dont visit FF very often anymore)
Mods need to place a limit of like 5 posts a day or something similar.
P.S. the OP asked "What is the best sounding exhaust for the 100hp?" - nothing to do with god damn mortgages or chavs
16v - my point exactly - a high flow/tuned A series will be poor around town. Before the advent of the techologies I mentioned you could take your pick - power at higer revs or tractibility at low revs. All the fuel mapping etc gives you reasonable power without throwing juice down the plughole, VVC (rover), VVT, VVTL all developed to help give you the best of both worlds.
And WHO mentioned the Panda Sport button? Nowt to do with it!
Yup, thats why Toyata had to 'invent' Tvis... (cos 16V caused low end power loss) and also why most reputable tuning companies welded the ports prior to grinding them (narrowed them) on the VX 16V units......
VVT is mostly for fuel economy... unplug it and see... fuel injection and fuel mapping is cheaper and more reliable, and adapts to the engine - and again is more fuel efficient... the motor car engine has not 'really'altered that much Luke... like a sport button on a 100hp, load of crap really, as all it does apart from increase user steering effort, is simulate putting your foot harder on the accelerator,, advancement ? - nope - codology..... things are cetainly more reliable, and fuel efficient, but not more powerful, or indeed, in a lot of cases, more tractable. it is not a quantum leap, but it is better engineering now. :worship:
Lmaoobviously we have a genus on a series engine here! I'm not going even bother getting into this conversation. There some serious idiocy coming from both ends here!
obviously we have a genus on a series engine here! I'm not going even bother getting into this conversation. There some serious idiocy coming from both ends here!
Why did you post if you didn't want to get into the conversation...
Yup, serious idiocy......![]()
Hence normal people leaving FF and don't bother with it. It breeds keyboard warriors with no other hobby's. You should join us on Facebook.
Dont bother Hegnirst. That guy is in a league of his own. Psychiatrists write dissertations on him.