General 1.9 Mjet Brakes

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General 1.9 Mjet Brakes


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Hey Guys,

Just wondered if some of you could tell me what brakes to go for on my 1.9 mjet, i have been told they need changing soon so going to go all out and do all four, which disk and pads etc. should i go for? any help would be much appreciated :)

cheers in advance
You may get an awful lot of differing answers...

Incidentally I'm still on all my original pads & discs... 72,000 miles.

Standard use of the car or Track-days involved, normal driving or "spirited"?

How much u want to spend? OE stuff from Dealer will be more expensive than aftermarket, & provided you pick a known make the aftermarket ones will be fine.

Try Greenstuff for both... You'll get the idea. (y)
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I have replaced mine with standard "pattern" parts, and with much 'enthusiastic' driving, they have been well up to the job (y)
i got greenstuffs and tarox sport japan fronts serve there purpose havent had any fade which standards did suffer from occasionally
Cheers Guys for all the answers, Im not 100% sure on what actually needs changing but i will look in to the things you have suggested and get the best solution i hope :)

thanks again
I have Brembo discs and pads on mine (nothing fancy just cheaper than standard) done a few sessions on them, started fading after about half an hour, they have been in a year and have plenty of meat left on them

standards are enough imo, if you can afford better pads then no harm done