Technical 1.4 500 rear calliper removal

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Technical 1.4 500 rear calliper removal


New member
May 5, 2014
Hi I am new to this forum and looking for some advice on my wife's 500 sport.

Attempted to change the rear discs and pads today but became stuck when attempting to remove the calliper bolts.

I think?? It is a 8mm Allen key bolt?? Could someone confirm this for me?

Also it seems to be a bugger of a job because the entire hub looks like it has to come off due to no possible clearance to these 8mm Allen key bolts.

I have searched this forum for info on this procedure but all I can find is issues about noisy brakes.

Please help as I am no good with fiats.

Thanks guys

Yeah I saw that really good thread but that's only for pads. I need to remove the discs. Thanks though
Yes I can confirm that you will need to remove the rear hub from the axle assembly - four bolts at the back. Remember to be careful and remove/disconnect the ABS sensor wire, either by unbolting it from the hub itself, or following the wire back to a plug further to the front. The calliper itself can be moved out of the way without having to disconnect the handbrake cable.

I did this a few months back and thought it would be a terrible job, but turned out not to be too bad, just a bit time-consuming.

Also when refitting the pads make sure that one of the four recesses in the calliper piston lines up with the metal 'bump' on the back of the inner pad, if not the pad will not lie flat.
Great thanks for that!
Could anyone confirm the size of Allen key or hex key needed to loosen the calliper bolts?

Thank you
Yes I can confirm that you will need to remove the rear hub from the axle assembly - four bolts at the back. Remember to be careful and remove/disconnect the ABS sensor wire, either by unbolting it from the hub itself, or following the wire back to a plug further to the front. The calliper itself can be moved out of the way without having to disconnect the handbrake cable.

I did this a few months back and thought it would be a terrible job, but turned out not to be too bad, just a bit time-consuming.

Also when refitting the pads make sure that one of the four recesses in the calliper piston lines up with the metal 'bump' on the back of the inner pad, if not the pad will not lie flat.

We're half way through replacing the discs and pads on our Fiat 500 1.4 Sport... The half we've done is the front half. We hit an issue when we came to start the rear ones!

Dropping the piston off to replace the pads wouldn't be an issue but we need to replace the disc as well, so need to take the whole calliper assembly off. When we took the rear wheels off we realised that you couldn't get to the bolts that hold the calliper onto the car and that they were a special bolt. We decided that the only way to get at these was to remove the stub axle and now we can see that others are saying this as well on here and other forums.

Anyway, we undid the four nuts that hold the stub axle onto the axle cross-member but it seems to be seized on! Have given the whole lot a few light taps (as you do) but with caution etc...

Has anyone else had this experience? Can you give it a tap from behind through the hole in the axle cross-member. There is a dish shaped depression on the back of the stub axle there and we were not sure if this was "delicate".

Also can anyone confirm which type/size of special hex drive you need as the hole is so dirty that it's hard to tell with certainty and we have a few different types that seem to almost fit.

You have to wonder that for the sake of a few mm who on earth designs a car that you need to take the stub axle off to change a brake disc??? Have done this job on loads of other cars before and never had to do this!
From what I remember the stub axle assembly is pretty robust, and i guess that you could give a tap from the back in the dished part.

Sounds like it's just seized / rusted onto the plate on the rear axle, perhaps try some WD40 from the back and let that soak in first.
Hope this is of some help/works for others as it got me out of a hole.

If you undo the main hub nut and the disc retaining screw you can wriggle the disc out without having to remove the frame that the pads sit in.

Had to change a rear wheel bearing and thought I was going to have to remove pad carrier frame and wasn't looking forward to removing stub axle, so was pleasantly surprised when it just squeezed out with disc and hub both undone!!