Technical 1.4 16V 56 Plate - Out of OIL

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Technical 1.4 16V 56 Plate - Out of OIL

No......1.4 16 valve 'StarJet' Engine takes Selenia Performa Synthetic 5-30w

Castrol Magnatec is semi-synthetic oil -
Mobil 1 would be a better alternative really....

I dont mean to split hairs but why do you say this? The owners manual states what is best for the petrol engines and it is SELENIA K 5w40. The slightly thicker oil grade would help maintain a better film of oil in these engines that run fairly hot.

Where do you get your info from?
Info comes from head of service at Desira, Southgate and Thames Fiat, Slough.
This info only applies to the 1.4 16 valve 'Starjet' engine used in the G. Punto.
Ringing up today I spoke to one of the service guys who said they have the stuff there.

Will pick some up tomorrow Selinea Performer he said, didn't mention 5W / 40 or 30.
It's 5 - 30w
It comes in 2 litre cans and the car takes 2.9 litres with a new oil filter -
It's good that you're making the effort.
Got it finally. Will add her tonight when she's cool. Was £13 for 2 Ltrs.

Thanks for all your help guys. Can close thread.(y)


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