Technical 1.4 16V 56 Plate - Out of OIL

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Technical 1.4 16V 56 Plate - Out of OIL


Oct 7, 2006
I had a quick look through the manual, can't seem to find what oil it needs.

Any ideas? Also wonder why it would be near enough empty after only 7-8 months. :confused:
5w-40 Selenia from the dealer, I personally always prefer to use the pukka stuff. Cars use more oil when they are new and all engines have a limit as to how much they should "use" in service, plus, the starjet engine only holds just under 3 litres of oil, so there is not much to get rid of!! you should always check weekly really because new engines as they loosen up will use some.
The 1.4 16 valve 'starjet' engine is known to get through the oil - quite normal and as has been said only takes a total of 2.9 litres.

Be careful when filling it back up......there is only about half a litre difference between minimum and maximum on the 16 valve it's very easy to overfill it!
Desira, southgate and Thames Fiat both recommend Selenia Performa in the 16 valve engine.
Also wonder why it would be near enough empty after only 7-8 months. :confused:

You mean the dipstick or where you unscrew the cap with the oil symbol on it?

Also there's an oil warning light that can be used as a backup?

And how many miles have you done?
In most cases I wouldnt rely on the oil light, our Megane checks its own oil level every time you start so when we were on holiday when it was new with around 1k miles on it and it said, top up oil we did and it was fine, but the oil light is to do with oil pressure and once you see it its too late!! However I dont think the Fiat has this self check feature so best make sure yourself.

To make certain, just check it weekly and keep some Selenia with you on a long trip or at home just in case.
You mean the dipstick or where you unscrew the cap with the oil symbol on it?

Also there's an oil warning light that can be used as a backup?

And how many miles have you done?

Thanks for the info.

I checked the dipstick, i've done just over 8,000 miles. I should have checked it sooner I know.. :bang:

Oil warning light didn't come on, dad reckons it was just on low as such.

You lot had to fill yours up?

Anywhere you can buy it online? I've tried eBay.
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I have a 1.2 gp
The other day i checked oil and it showed no oil on dip stick:eek: but after putting in just 1 litre of oil it then showed full on dip stick.:p
I guess there is only 1 litre tollerance on dip stick from full to empty.
Ive personally not had to top mine up yet but its only done 2.8k however I do check it every time I fill up. Thats not too often though lol.

The 8v Engine takes just 2.6 litres of oil so as has been said be very careful indeed not to overfill these engines.

Oil consumption will settle down at your sort of mileage but they will consume a tiny bit from time to time. Do you know how much the oil is from the dealers? Any Alfa or Fiat garage will have it.
"Oil consumption will settle down at your sort of mileage but they will consume a tiny bit from time to time."

......No, funnily enough I don't think so.....from what I've experienced and heard I think these engines are all gonna need topping up more than usual.
Of course there's so little oil capacity between max and min levels that it looks much worse than it is and of course their overall capacities are very small indeed. The diesel's are different and I think their capacity is a more regular 3.4 - 3.8 litres.
I changed my oil at 5,000 miles and when I put the first 2 litre can of 'Performa' into the engine there was no reading on the dipstick whatsoever! was only the final half to one litre where it showed.
Hope this helps everyone.
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i've done 8k miles in mine, and i topped up at about 6.5k. if i didn't im sure it would have run out too.

btw i used castrol edge 5w-30, and it seems fine on that.
Is yours a 1.4 16V 56 model?

You sould be using 5W - 40 not 30.. (y)

I think I might just get castrol GTX or something from Halfords.
In most cases I wouldnt rely on the oil light

That's why I said backup (y)

Thanks for the info.

I checked the dipstick, i've done just over 8,000 miles. I should have checked it sooner I know.. :bang:

Oil warning light didn't come on, dad reckons it was just on low as such.

You lot had to fill yours up?

Anywhere you can buy it online? I've tried eBay.

I must admit I got paranoid after reading this thread as I haven't checked mine for ages, so I bolted downstairs in my PJs (its 6:30am here) with some tissues - he's a little black but still has plenty of oil after almost 5k :D
Is yours a 1.4 16V 56 model?

You sould be using 5W - 40 not 30.. (y)

I think I might just get castrol GTX or something from Halfords.

No......1.4 16 valve 'StarJet' Engine takes Selenia Performa Synthetic 5-30w

Castrol Magnatec is semi-synthetic oil -
Mobil 1 would be a better alternative really....
Come on... you lot are usually helpfull. :(

I will ring dealer tomrorow anyway. :yum:
Is yours a 1.4 16V 56 model?

You sould be using 5W - 40 not 30.. (y)

I think I might just get castrol GTX or something from Halfords.

How about Millers XFS? That's a 5w40 fully synthetic. You would have to go to a proper motor factors though rather than Halfords.

p.s. If you can't see oil on the dipstick contact Fiat parts for a longer dipstick.
can someone explain what the numbers mean. so i an understand.

SAE viscosity ratings tell you the oil’s viscosity (how thick or thin an oil is at a certain temperature). For example SAE 30 oil is thinner than SAE 50 oil.

multigrade oils have 2 numbers, for example 10w40, the 10w means when cold it will act like a 10, when hot it will act like a 40. (the W stands for winter, which is 0 degrees F).

for the sake of this thread, lets compare a 5w30 and 5w40.
on a cold winter morning both will have a viscosity of 5 so there's no difference, both aid easy cold starting and ensure oil is able to quickly circulate. when the engine is very hot and under load the 30 oil will be thinner, have a lower film strength, and you'd expect lower oil pressure. so the 40 would seem a better choice. however your oil pump and oilways are designed to be effective with a certain viscosity of oil, so the 30 may be more suited to your engine. this is why you should use the recommended grade of oil rather than thinking one grade is "better" than another. the best oil to use is obviously the type that the engine is designed to use, no matter what grade that is.

p.s. If you can't see oil on the dipstick contact Fiat parts for a longer dipstick.

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