Technical 09 500 Is it worth spending out for repairs?!?

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Technical 09 500 Is it worth spending out for repairs?!?


May 31, 2024
I have 2009 Fiat 500 130,000miles , it has been juddering and it's obviously a suspension issue ( looks like top mounts as very rusty) and damaged, not sure how struts themselves are. Just had an argument with my husband over this car, he said not to get any work done as daughters first car (she's learning in it atm) and has m.o.t, so therefore deemed safe. I want to get it fixed as like I said it does cause a judder/jump also steering wheel is now off centre and I don't feel this is safe, he said cars not worth it,.I only paid £1100 for it as needed a clutch (my dad did it so was only about £150 ). Changed cluster as went wrong (£40) and sorted boot wiring which is common anyway. I changed engine mounts about £60.
Would you guys put an more money into it or am I overly worrying/over reacting?
500 puro
If you can do it yourself, then it's cheap fixes?
Expensive bits
Cam belt
New rear axle?

All the other bits are not that bad if you can fix them by yourself so if it's not too rusty then it could be worth keeping our car is a 09 currently not driveable due to a failed leaking brake pipe, I've replaced a lot of parts over the years.
All parts can be bought really cheaply if you want realistically the car has 4 years or so left so even if you spent £2k thats only £10 a week?
and has m.o.t, so therefore deemed safe
an MOT means that the car was deemed to be safe on the day it was tested

It is not an assurance that the car will remain safe for the duration of its MOT.

Would you guys put any more money into it
Only if you can do any necessary repairs yourself.
an MOT means that the car was deemed to be safe on the day it was tested

It is not an assurance that the car will remain safe for the duration of its MOT.

Only if you can do any necessary repairs yourself.
I said same about the MOT! I just want to make sure it's safe and maintain that for the duration. I can do or get help with the repairs, do just going for it! Thank you
If you can do it yourself, then it's cheap fixes?
Expensive bits
Cam belt
New rear axle?

All the other bits are not that bad if you can fix them by yourself so if it's not too rusty then it could be worth keeping our car is a 09 currently not driveable due to a failed leaking brake pipe, I've replaced a lot of parts over the years.
All parts can be bought really cheaply if you want realistically the car has 4 years or so left so even if you spent £2k thats only £10 a week?
Thank you for the reply, that's a really good way of looking at it. I can do most things myself or with a bit of help, my mate said he will sort the cambelt and water pump. Just want it to drive as it should and safely. I can waste more than £10 a week, so going to get it sorted.
Be aware you may need to cut the top nut of the top mounts out if rusty* but the stronger Dremel tools and quick-fit cutting discs are quite good for this.

*One "point of character" (or design flaw, depending on your point of view ;) ) of the 500 is that the top mounts naturally collect water draining from the scuttle panel. Even if the mounts have the have plastic covers there may be horrors underneath...
Be aware you may need to cut the top nut of the top mounts out if rusty* but the stronger Dremel tools and quick-fit cutting discs are quite good for this.

*One "point of character" (or design flaw, depending on your point of view ;) ) of the 500 is that the top mounts naturally collect water draining from the scuttle panel. Even if the mounts have the have plastic covers there may be horrors underneath...
Someone has filled them with grease so not looking forward to finding out what lurks beneath 🙄. Will get a dremel at the ready! Thank you for the tip, all advice greatfully received 🙏
Be aware that there's been more than a few posts of timing belts being changed ( by professionals/done 1000's of them ) and then giving issues because the correct procedure has not been carried out, this is the one job you should seriously consider having a Fiat main dealer do?
Be aware that there's been more than a few posts of timing belts being changed ( by professionals/done 1000's of them ) and then giving issues because the correct procedure has not been carried out, this is the one job you should seriously consider having a Fiat main dealer do?
My mate is a mechanic and owes me a favour, trained in Fuat garage luckily fir me
He 100% can and retired mechanic, but in his 70's and not best of health, don't want to put too much on him


Have a chat with him and ask if it is something the 2 of you could do side at a time in two separate sessions maybe?
Clearly I don't know his health but maybe he would like the idea of doing something with this daughter(-:

Best wishes


Have a chat with him and ask if it is something the 2 of you could do side at a time in two separate sessions maybe?
Clearly I don't know his health but maybe he would like the idea of doing something with this daughter(-:

Best wishes

I did mention it to him and think we are going to give it a go. He thought he was done doing cars with me 😆 he has 5 grandkids now (4 girls on the road already, and the only boy still to go, will have to get him in training)
I did mention it to him and think we are going to give it a go. He thought he was done doing cars with me 😆 he has 5 grandkids now (4 girls on the road already, and the only boy still to go, will have to get him in training)
I have five children (four girls, two local who drive) and seven grandchildren, the oldest drives but fortunately his dad is a mechanic);)
I was going to say, I also have a hydraulic spring compressor which makes life easier when changing those top strut mounts.:)
it's obviously a suspension issue
it does cause a judder/jump also steering wheel is now off centre
Is it making a knocking sound, or something you can feel through the wheel or in the car?

When is it happening? Over bumps, on full lock, pulling away, lifting off, braking?

Could be top mounts but could it also be drop links, bottom arms, track rod ends, CV joints?

I think before replacing significant parts, I would jack up one front wheel at a time, secure on stands, and push/pull, holding the tyre at 12 & 6, then at 3 & 9, to see if you can find the source of the movement.
I think, a good inspection of the car front to rear beam is required work out what needs doing and buy given the age the cheapest parts required.
Off steering possibly the lower arms, this in itself could be quite a nightmare to do, removing the bumper could be quite a time consuming effort, the chassis leg bolts would be my real concern?
Agree with these above comments and what ever happens if your daughter is using it as first car her safety is the top priority, as a recent driver she may not realise if something is dangerous to drive until too late.
Working in the motor trade it never ceased to amaze me what some people expected their "loved ones" to drive.
I recall as an apprentice a lady calling me over and asking if I could tighten her steering on a Mini.
When I looked at it you could spin the steering wheel without it moving the road wheels!!! Her partner had told her "if you push down as you turn it will steer", ****** dangerous was an understatement.:(
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