Tuning focus induction v gsr induction the result

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Tuning focus induction v gsr induction the result

Aug 10, 2003
Essex/Suffolk border

The large amount of more torque in the lower revs is very impressive:) just what you need on an 8v

was on an 8v mk2b
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Concluding evidence to suggest the gsr is better than a focus.

The focus induction kit isnt to bad compared to the GSR

But bear in mind the price difference, ye fair enough you want more power and torque, but for around 4 times the money, there isnt much difference.
we knew that all along(y)

Just some of us would rather not spend the extra money for what seems to be a little bit of improvement on performance.
Everyone knows the GSR is better than the focus..
The fact is the Focus kit (in this instance) doesn't lose any power, to which people live by it does. The test would have to be done lots of time to be generalised though.
2hp difference isn't bad tbh. I'm happy with my focus styled.
The fact is the Focus kit (in this instance) doesn't lose any power, to which people live by it does.

its not a fact yet as we didnt have a standard car and airbox to test it on. you cant just say something is a fact with no proper test to back it up.

its torque you should be paying attension to not so much the bhp, this is what gives your car pull
its not a fact yet as we didnt have a standard car and airbox to test it on. you cant just say something is a fact with no proper test to back it up.

its torque you should be paying attension to not so much the bhp, this is what gives your car pull
That's why I put the thing in brackets...
Plus (talking bhp), I really don't think the standard bhp would be 74bhp. Only gaining 1bhp for the GSR.
Peter has told people a lot of times (dont know if you know sorry if i sound a cock) that the GSR kit on the 8v was to improve torque rather than BHP, and any higher BHP would be not massively noticed
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finally it has been proven that gsr are better thn them focus ones :D

I disagree, the sports exhaust has the potential to increase the BHP over standard, so the engine sucks more juice, puts out more power needs more air. There's no evidence here that the GSR would be any better than the Focus kit in a stock 1.2 8v.