Styling Wind deflectors mk2 sprt

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Styling Wind deflectors mk2 sprt


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Mar 19, 2011
Dont mean to sound tacky lads but for a mk2 punto sporting do much of you bother with wind deflectors? and do they look well on it?
there are a few on hear with them you will have to look through the members motors

i think they look pretty good, iv been toying with the idea coz it gets so fecking hot in my car and theres no air con or sunroof and i hate having a near tornado in the car from opening the windows
I've got some (pics attached to this post)

Definitely worth the investment. I'm in the similar boat to above. No air con or sunroof, so i drive with my window (drivers side) down quite a lot. Now it doesn't get rid of the wind noise altogether, the noise i used to get at like 40, i now don't get til like 70+(10% ;))

Team Heko ftw!

EDIT: Pics later, neither gallery nor attachments are working for me. And god forbid that I upload to an external host
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I also have a set mounted on my car.
Team Heko brand sold by J&J Automotive (its on Google).

I normally drive with my windows open (summer or winter). These have helped with both the noise and not getting wet when it rains
Yeah I was also thinking about getting those from Team Heko, but I still have to find a place where they sell them. J&J's website is giving me an error, so will have to try eBay then. I think Team Heko's are one of the nicest.
The Team Heko are dead easy to fit.
In essence, they slide up into the rubber channel. They are 'fixed' by 2 (or more) u shaped spring metal clips that are lodged into place, inside the rubber channel, with a small screwdriver. Don't really need the clips, but nice to have as added insurance. Nothing shows on the outside
Taking them off is just as easy.

I have wondered also about getting some wind Breakers for mine too
No AC no Sunroof - and fans dont blow cold - they blow muggy warm air

Also how easy are they to fit?
Do they just simply push up and in to the windows seal?

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The Team Heko are dead easy to fit.
In essence, they slide up into the rubber channel. They are 'fixed' by 2 (or more) u shaped spring metal clips that are lodged into place with a small screwdriver. Don't really need the clips, but nice to have as added insurance. Nothing shows on the outside
Taking them off is just as easy.

I didn't even use the metal clips. Just went to B&Q, got some heavy duty double sided tape. Ran that along the length of the deflector. Put it in the window channel. Left the windows for a couple of hours. Now, they don't budge at all.

Hardest part I found about installing them was getting them into the window gap without snapping them. But once you realise how flexible they are, its a piece of ****.

I started with the bit nearest the mirror. put that in place in the window channel. Then put the complete opposite end in the channel next to the b pillar. But on the vertical bit of the window. Not the horizontal bit at the top of the window. Then flexed the deflector into an arch, with the peak of the arch towards me (away from the inside of the car). This let me get the far left side into the channel (nearest the B-pillar). Then just slid the whole thing up and in place.
Re: Wind deflectors mk2

The Team Heko are dead easy to fit.

It's just taken me less than ten minutes to fit mine (from Towequipe, through Amazon); including the really difficult bit... -- which for me, was peeling the blasted backing paper off...! (If you're going to be fitting wind deflectors, please don't trim your fingernails the night before.) :(

Other than that -- as others have said -- really simple! And I think they actually look quite subtle: especially as they aren't that much proud of the doors. Even the tint doesn't jar -- probably because of the amount of black (window seals; rubbing strips; tyres, etc.) that's there already.

  1. Apart from this thread -- and this post -- I also found some very clear instructions on the GP Owners Club forum. The bit about "Get a clip, they go in like an upside down 'U', with the point pointing inwards towards the inside of the car..." was particularly helpful: as there are no obvious clues as to which direction the clips should face contained in the packaging. (And you wouldn't want to scratch your new deflectors, would you...?!)
  2. As others have pointed out: it's definitely worth keeping your windows closed -- once everything is fitted, checked, and double-checked... -- for at least 24 hours. For whatever reason, on both offside windows (possibly because the car is slightly tilted, left to right, as it's currently parked), the deflectors wanted to 'lean in', slightly, just catching the glass as it's lifted. Hopefully, the tape, once it's set, will remedy this, once and for all.... (I actually think there could be more tape on the deflectors: as Yarde explained. Pushing the clips in with a large, flat-bladed screwdriver, though, was strangely satisfying...!)
  3. Finally, check your window seals as you fit the wind deflectors. Not only is it easy (especially with the front ones) to catch them, as you 'twist' the deflectors in; but one of my seals (on the front passenger door) was slightly damaged, and therefore a little out of position. Fortunately, inserting the deflector actually pushed it gently back into place...!

Thanks for all the help and suggestions! I look forward to finally driving around with a cool and controlled breeze on my face...! :D
Re: Wind deflectors mk2

Quick follow-up....

Only driven a few miles, so far; and not yet managed to go much more than about 50 mph.... Even so, I can report that -- even with today's average wind-speed of 10 mph (and gusts of up to twice that...) -- and even with the driver's window fully open... -- there is (subjectively, of course!) much, much less buffeting. And now, I can pretend that I'm not really that bothered that I didn't find a Punto with air-con...! :rolleyes:

PS: The small amount of sticky tape has actually done the trick: and there's no longer any problems with the glass rubbing against the deflectors.... (y)
Re: Wind deflectors mk2

Aircon was the one must have item when I bought my punto wouldn't be without it.

However any three door car with out aircon open both front windows and both rear pop out windows and you'll be amazed how cool it gets.