Styling yellow punto mk2, wot colour wheels

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Styling yellow punto mk2, wot colour wheels

Nov 19, 2009
well seeing my car has been lowered 50mm i was ment to get some alloys but now im just keeping my standed hgt alloys and would like them a differnt colour but looked ever were on this form and cant fined any yellow mk2 with (white) or (black) wheels.. im thinking to go with (white) or (black) wheels but dont no wot colour will look best..also keeping the staned alloys will look o.k sprayed as ever one around here as got like 16inc & 17inc rims so just keeping mine will be differnt......

for got to mention my windows have been tinted as well...

has any one got pics off yellow mk2 with (white) or (black)

or some help on wot colour to pick..

or send me in the right place to have a look....

thanks guys................(y)...
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Black with yellow doesn't look right, don't like black wheels! They're standable on a red car, but white! I'm thinking of getting mine powdered white if I end up keeping one of my puntos
Another vote for white. Everyone seems to have black alloys at the moment!
some old pics from when i had gloss black 17's




i need to refurb my hgt wheels and i must admit i'm torn between white, satin black and dark grey

now that looks the nuts with them black rims. i really do like it.

now i have to say you have made it really hard for me to pick..

like the tho as well nice one mate

cheers for the pics the car looks fab.........(y)

now that looks the nuts with them black rims. i really do like it.

now i have to say you have made it really hard for me to pick..

like the tho as well nice one mate

cheers for the pics the car looks fab.........(y)

That punto looks **** hot (y)

I think that blackalloys would go nicely with a yellow punto

im definely going with the black..cause thay look f**king good....

i no my wheels are standed but now i no they are going to look good as i have that smooth look as well....;)

thanks for the pics guys.....(y)