Technical 1.2 8v misfiring

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Technical 1.2 8v misfiring

I use the high temp stuff from toolstation it's red can't link as it'll give the whole page code is 66124 £5.26 for a 310ml tube you put in a cartridge gun. Always worked for me on sumps and water pumps and it's cheap compared to other stuff goes to 300 degrees



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Right folks, the water pump is sorted finally! It doesn't leak either! GOOD NEWS

Here for some BAD NEWS!

Since draining the coolant for the second time, I get gurgling noises coming from the heater matrix when I start the engine from cold. I've had experience of bleeding the system before and never had this problem. Also unlike last time once the engine has been running for a while and I switch off the engine and remove the expansion bottle lid, the coolant rushes up the neck of the bottle and almost out of it! In addition, the temperature gauge is quick erratic, moving from 1/4 to 1/2 frequently, although, the fan does eventually kick in if its left to idle for a while.

I'm hoping it’s not head gasket related! It’s a shame after all this effort the car is running well, this is the only problem now :bang:
Sounds like air in the system. Bled with heating full open? If no bleedscrews, letting the car run with the lid off and the nose up might help.
Hot fluid will always expand when you take the pressure off.

gr J

I've just got into the car again and it’s still gurgling. I've tried bleeding it again on a steep hill so the filler neck is at its highest point. Soon as I took the cap off the coolant came rushing out of the neck! Something that has never happened before in the past

I’m becoming concerned that the head-gasket is at fault allowing gasses into the coolant. How much should a sniff test be? How reliable are they at indicating head-gasket related problems?

I made sure everything was clean, head was skimmed as well just as a precaution, everything was torqued down correctly, it’s just very frustrating!:cry:
sorry to hear it giving you a headache..,

OK - bit of a recap here,

you removed head , had it rebuilt ,

then replaced the headgasket, with new bolts..,

you then ran it for a few days with the timing a little out..,

parked it up while waiting for the waterpump sealant to set , and then on refilling it spits out coolant..!!,

IF you did something Daft on reassembly.. surely it would've dumped coolant then,

are you 100% sure you've not something daft with the plumbing around the pump..??

I've always filled my coolant to the top of the neck with the heater on HOT / MAX , and the bleed screw open,
when the bleed screw is really gushing I close it, then brim fill to the top of filler neck and let it run with the cap off until temp shown on gauge.., ( room to "burp itself" )

can you confirm the thermostat is opening correctly ?,
pipe hetting HOT flow after 5/ 8 mins.

IF you're confident in this ,
then YES a sniff of the coolant SHOULD be conclusive, ( no idea on cost )
as there is only 1 way exhaust gasses can get into the coolant,

good luck,
do let us know,
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sorry to hear it giving you a headache..,

OK - bit of a recap here,

you removed head , had it rebuilt ,

then replaced the headgasket, with new bolts..,

you then ran it for a few days with the timing a little out..,

parked it up while waiting for the waterpump sealant to set , and then on refilling it spits out coolant..!!,

IF you did something Daft on reassembly.. surely it would've dumped coolant then,

are you 100% sure you've not something daft with the plumbing around the pump..??

can you confirm the thermostat is opening correctly ?,
pipe hetting HOT flow after 5/ 8 mins.

IF you're confident in this ,
then YES a sniff of the coolant SHOULD be conclusive, ( no idea on cost )
as there is only 1 way exhaust gasses can get into the coolant,

good luck,
do let us know,

Hello again, yes it ran fine for a few days with the timing out, no gurgling noises.

I then changed the water pump, but the silicone was not up to the job! The water pump was sorted, but since the 2nd water pump change it’s started gurgling. The gurgling noise is only when the engine is cold, on first start up, after that it’s fine, heaters are hot too.

The thermostat does open when the engine reaches 96 degrees and the fan kicks in.

The coolant pipes don't seem too hard, just a bit of pressure when i open the cap and the coolant begins to move up the neck, sometimes right to the top of the neck but then subsiding and the coolant level goes down.

The car runs beautifully now, I did a 90 mile round trip on the motorway today and all was well.

I’ll have to see in the morning if the gurgling is still there.
just keep an eye on the levels for a few days,

should be fine..!!

You were right! After bleeding the system again and taking the car for another long run the gurgling suddenly stopped and coolant dropped a considerable amount! After topping up again, the coolant level has remained constant over the past few days. I've done 400 miles since the rebuild and things seem to be getting smoother as the miles go up.

I just hope the hg remains properly sealed for the foreseeable future and then perhaps I might get another 50K out of the engine (y)

I cannot thank people enough for their advice over the weeks, its much appreciated. If I have any more problems in the future I shall know where to come for help! :D

Many thanks, Adam.
You were right! After bleeding the system again and taking the car for another long run the gurgling suddenly stopped and coolant dropped a considerable amount! After topping up again, the coolant level has remained constant over the past few days. I've done 400 miles since the rebuild and things seem to be getting smoother as the miles go up.

I cannot thank people enough for their advice over the weeks, its much appreciated. If I have any more problems in the future I shall know where to come for help! :D

Many thanks, Adam.

Adam, glad to hear it... AND you are most welcome, (y)
whole point of this forum in my book..;),
