sorry to hear it giving you a headache..,
OK - bit of a recap here,
you removed head , had it rebuilt ,
then replaced the headgasket, with new bolts..,
you then ran it for a few days with the timing a little out..,
parked it up while waiting for the waterpump sealant to set , and then on refilling it spits out coolant..!!,
IF you did something Daft on reassembly.. surely it would've dumped coolant then,
are you 100% sure you've not something daft with the plumbing around the pump..??
can you confirm the thermostat is opening correctly ?,
pipe hetting HOT flow after 5/ 8 mins.
IF you're confident in this ,
then YES a sniff of the coolant SHOULD be conclusive, ( no idea on cost )
as there is only 1 way exhaust gasses can get into the coolant,
good luck,
do let us know,