What would you do!? Custom exhaust fitment probs

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What would you do!? Custom exhaust fitment probs

Feb 16, 2005
Just looking to vent and get peoples opinions really.

I had a powerflow exhaust fitted, 2" cat-less, mid, rear box and 3" outrolled pipe.

After a day I had a knocking noise and checked it out:

Pics here

The back box was knocking against the rear suspension strut and wearing it away, it also slightly dented the rear box.

Took it back on a work day, taking a bit of time off work, and left it with them, they said it was sorted, so i picked it up after work, and it was exactly the same, there was even the rag tied on that i fitted to stop it eating the damper!

I took it back again on the following saturday, the had cut the rear pipe from mid to rear in half, rebent a section, and clamped it in between the mid and back box, and welded the old backbox (now with a dent) onto the rebent pipe.

Wasn't too pleased but if it was going to sort the probs out, i was happy to live with it, even if and ugly hack.

10 days on, and as the car was warming up, i checked underneath and water / condesation from the engine warming, was dripping from two blows inthe exhaust. The rear box weld, adn the cut/welded/clamped joint in between the mid and rear.

For £340 im not pleased at all, and the owner isn't the nicest guy tbh.

What do you think I should do??!! Call them up and just try and get the blows fixed. Request a new back box and pipng from the mid back, rather than more hacks. Ask for a complete new fttment. Try and get my money back if they remove the system, and get it done elsewhere?

I'm getting sick of taking it back, and I'm sure they are not going to be nice this time when I take it back.

Cheers for any help or advice (y)

Hope you all understand what I mean :D

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take it back, ask them to fix it properly - outline what you mean, and what you expect. or ask them to remove it and refund you all your money and recomend someone else who can do it (last bit might be a bit cheeky!)
i plan to get them to fix it properly first....i just need moral support...I know I'm right, but its a different ball park, when your facing an unfriendly owner.

the fitter himself seems like a friendly chap.

I shall ring tomorrow and see how it goes ;)

You've been sold a part that isn't fit for the purpose that it was intended for, therefore it isn't of merchantable quality. You have every right to take it back and ask for it to be done properly, or if they can't do that you should be refunded your money. Write down everything that needs doing, along with subsequent hash-ups or damage caused during repair plus dates etc. Also take pictures as much as possible.

A garage that values its standards and reputation shouldn't treat you badly if you take something back. If they do then they don't sound like a good garage to do business with.

Politely ask them to rectify the faults and give them the details or what needs doing in writing. If they can't fix it in a reasonable time tell them that you want your money back because you'll have to get it done elsewhere. I know it's not easy but you have to stand up for yourself. Your only other option is the small claims court but that is lengthy and time consuming, plus even if you get a judgement in your favour it's a nightmare actually trying to get the money out of the party with the judgement against them. There is also the Citizens Advice Bureau, though this is more of a civil dispute that would need the intervention of the county court if it got ugly.

You could also point out that a running commentary of your car's build is being posted up on the internet, so you won't exactly be singing the praises of this garage. However, be careful with this as it could be taken as a threat or blackmail.

Try the nice approach at first, but make sure you give them a written list of exactly what is wrong and what needs doing. Tell them that all you want is for the exhaust to fit and work properly as it should, plus that you want it to look like a new exhaust that cost £340. If they start getting arsey then it's time to resort to other actions :(

Good luck (y)
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Definitely write it down, very important. Also record his comments, very important. Make sure he knows you are recording it, read it out to him if you have to and take notes as you go. Just an overview not every damn word. Take someone with you, you need a witness and moral support. Be polite but stubborn, be absolutely certain you will take the matter further....don't say it, your manner will reflect the fact that you will take this further. Do not accept no.

And it ain't that easy but its a skill you'll need more than once in your life :) You'll be very surprised how quickly peoples attitudes can change when they know you ain't having it :)
sadly powerflow is a franchise so not an indication of quality at every site, they do talk good in there ads so basically they have to rectify it but don't let them make a jigsaw of your exhaust, I would ask them to rip it off and start again or refund.

Thats what I'm hoping I'll get, but not so sure i will.

Does anyone with any technical knowledge know, if welding, cutting the weld, and then re-welding is a sound thing to do? Seems not to me considering the probs I have, as well as it looks a bit ugly, but if anyone can give me any technical reasons why i can mention it to them, so much the better.

I have used small clams a couple of times and it was easy. You can fill in the forms as pdfs on line. One time they were sticky with paying out, so I got the bailiffs onto them. Regretably they paid up in cash to avoid the firms van being towed and auctioned, which I would have enjoyed. If it's a franchise tell them you are going to report them to the franchisor this may bring them to order. As for welding, usually i would say for acustom exhaust it's not nice never as strong but can't be helped, in this case it's up to you do you feel they will do a good job?
Thats what I'm hoping I'll get, but not so sure i will.

Does anyone with any technical knowledge know, if welding, cutting the weld, and then re-welding is a sound thing to do? Seems not to me considering the probs I have, as well as it looks a bit ugly, but if anyone can give me any technical reasons why i can mention it to them, so much the better.


after spending 7 yrs in the welding industry unless you clean the old weld off completely then theres no point not just grinding the outside of the pipe but inside too
as the first weld will have created coking of the weld when you come too do the weld a second time with out cleaning the old off you get the coking through too the outside

the moral of my story is as a welder i wouldnt stand for a chop and reweld ever ( unless as stated it was thoroughly cleaned of old weld )

as mentioned they are a franchise so if you not happy this time round get intouch directly with the franchise dealer ie head office
and let them know how pissed you are at handing over £340 for sub standard workmanship if you can take a pic of the welds and email them too me (i will try my best too give you some welding advise too take with you )
They wouldn't replace it all, or the clamped section, but from the clamp backwards its all new.

New tip, piping welds and a new backbox.

Its not knocking and its not leaking, so thats ok.

HE also pointed out that my 4-2-1 Supersprint manifold, that I bought new, had a leak in the top branch, and let me listen too it with a hose in my ear, he said if I pop it back about 3.30 today, he'll try and weld the leak up, so that was nice of him as well (y)

Wil update with some pictures later if i get a chance

sounds like a result, nice of them to fix the SS manifold too. where abouts is it leaking from, mines been welded twice near the lambda boss because i ran it with no flexy..
Update time!

The below pics are what I was complaining about above...the "repiar" on the third visit. Then on the following page, the most up to date "repair".

the mid section mount (the one he wanted to put throught the bottom of my boot):


The mid centre clamp, where the pipe was cut to rebend the back section:


The damage to the damper:


The dent box (looks worse in real life):


The new pipe section onto the old box:

P1010849.jpg P1010852.jpg
These pics are the result of the last visit where the manager did the work after a long chat.

He agreed to replace the clamp backwards and he also put some new mounts on.

the new box and rear mount:

P1010862.jpg P1010864.jpg

mid section mounts and box - an array of techniques used here ;) :

P1010873.jpg P1010874.jpg

The rear hanger mount:

P1010876.jpg P1010877.jpg
All good you may think...but the exhaust was knocking on the bumper, that was cut away internally to fit it, so I looked at the rear mount and found it was help on by....any guesses????? A cable tie, and a tyre valve stuffed through the mount.

Add to this the flange to the manifold isn't stainless and is rusty and the end pipe looks a bit odd on the inside (pic some other time)

I removed these to try and position it better, but it hasn't really helped :(

As I mentioned in my project page it really got me down and am unsure what to do now, live with it, fix it myself, junk it, or fight over it.

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Wow, , i can't imagine the rollercoaster ride your exhaust gasses were having in that add-on pipe before that box :( , Welds Look substantial enough if very messy. The rusty clamp you are talking about may give you jip in the future, but besides not lookin good should probabaly be OK, when i say Jip, it may corrode through within a year or so and drop the system if there isn't a hanger local to the area, even though they look substantial, if they're rusty, they always seem to eventually split the welds and let go. I woudl deffinately kick up a fuss, as ultimately the traveling costs and poor quality even now its a bit sorted, has left you with a system thats blowing, not a 'power increase' ike they suggest, and is not all Stainless Steel. It has also damaged your cars damper, and they've mutilated your bumper. The box is dented too.

P.S. We wil discount on a order for 4 caliper brackets and 2 re-bored TB's (and inlets matched if wanted) as a whole yes - cheeky (only kidding :p )

Oh dear that is a mess, how do they do custom near you? here they copy your old exhaust and fit on the tail pipe of your choice, fairly easy it seems.

Dunno why you went custom, I would have used a mixture of aftermarket and got someone to make them fit without too many chops etc.

Was that £340? As much as it pains me to say I would take it off and sell it to a scrappy and cut my losses.
