Technical Engine codes?

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Technical Engine codes?


New member
Feb 20, 2011
Hi all, some advice please.
Iv'e had a cylinder headgasket go.(overheated)
I have just noticed there is two engine codes.:188A5.000 and a
Is there a difference between the heads, I'm guessing there is, but would like to know what it is. The reason is, because I have already fitted a head and I am having problems with the running of the car. It was an exchange head, I'm thinking I may have fitted the wrong one?
182B2000 should be Bravo 1.2 16V CF2;
188A5000 is also 1.2 16V, one of the versions of Punto...

Using ePER u can try to locate gaskets and compare them, that's what I did when I was searching for the difference of HGT MK1/MK2 gaskets.
Thanks for the replys. I'm fine with the gaskets. I want to know if there is a difference in the heads? Or is it the case that one has more studs on the inlet manifold than the other.
Thanks for the replys. I'm fine with the gaskets. I want to know if there is a difference in the heads? Or is it the case that one has more studs on the inlet manifold than the other.

The 97 Mk1 head has no holes on the cam side for later mounts. It has a double spring setup for the valves along with seperate temp sensors and senders. Inlet studs

99 head has extra holes for later mounts. Single spring valves. Temp sender and sensor are one unit, sender is now blanked off. Still studs

01 head has a different stud pattern for the exhaust manifold to meet eu emission regulations. Studs are gone, inlet manifold held by bolts

Dont mix up the heads on certain cars (y)
Hi, thanks again for the help. I have a bravo 1.2 16v 1999 v reg. See my previous post (sooty spark plugs). I got an exchange head, which is now fitted, but car dosent run, starts, but a struggle to keep running. I think I may have the wrong head? I'm sure this one had two springs on each valve, do you think that's wrong? Thanks
Ive had all 3 types of head on these cars and they all worked perfect so I'd say its the actual fault of the head or installation...

Heres a 1997 head beside a 2001 head (2001 head has the pipe and thermostat)



The 99 head is the same as the 97 head just extra holes and singlesprings

What condition was the head in? Were the bolts torqued in correct sequence? Was the gasket on the right way?

If you have a vid thatd help :)
Hi, thanks for photos. I got a recon head, skimmed and pressure tested. Fitted ok, torques up in correct sequence. Only thing I noticed was it had two springs On each valve. So prob a 97 head. But if that's not a problem, fault must lie somewhere else. Will prob strip down again to check gasket, but sure this was fitted correct.
From MB's posts, it seems that you have one of the pre-2001 heads in any case, and either should fit and work on your '99 car. If you didn't have to fiddle the temp senders etc then you probably have the correct head unless the reconditioner changed or removed something. So the head is probably OK unless there is a physical problem with it...

One thought is that it is probably electrical in some way... when I swapped the complete engine in my 2001 Brava it just wouldn't start at all, they messed around and tried everything, but could only decide that it just wasn't getting fuel. I took it to a Fiat specialist who tracked it down to a dodgy connection/wire in the main ECU connector block - fixed that and off it went. Something must have been disturbed during the engine work.

You should get the engine diagnosed for error codes to give a clue, and look at the temp sensors especially because they would logically affect engine mixture and the car seems to think it's running cold....
Hi, thanks for photos. I got a recon head, skimmed and pressure tested. Fitted ok, torques up in correct sequence. Only thing I noticed was it had two springs On each valve. So prob a 97 head. But if that's not a problem, fault must lie somewhere else. Will prob strip down again to check gasket, but sure this was fitted correct.

From what you described there, its installed correctly but before you take it off again, check the timing isnt out 180 degrees.

To check, lock the cams and see where the cut out on the crank pulley is. If it isnt facing the bulkhead then its out.

Keep us updated :)
Hi, Car had been in Fiats main dealers for nearly a week, they were unable to find whats wrong with it, after checking wiring, and sensors. Wanted to strip it down again to the block, to check gasket and head, it was them that told me it may be the wrong head or gasket? They wanted £895 to investigate. Have towed the car home, when i'm not so pissed of with it, will have another go at fixing it. As long as I know the head isn't wrong. I'm sure the gasket was fitted right, but now I know I just have to check. will take photos next time! and post. I did have to remove the temp sensor blank from the old head to fit in the new one, the one thats by the stat.
Thanks guys for all your help. Oh nearly forgot, yes timing is set right, Fiats rechecked, and I had checked before i took it in. Just one more thing, I may try a new temp sender unit before I strip it down again.
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