Here it is, officially the new Panda

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Here it is, officially the new Panda


Distinguished member
May 23, 2011
Norfolk UK
A video dropped today officially announcing the new Panda,

Here are a couple of screen grabs from that video

The video is available to see on the Fiat YouTube page

I would expect this is still a concept to some degree and will change a bit by the times it is launched but this is what the CEO is saying the new panda will be

There is also talk of there being a panda XL a new larger SUV and a Panda XXL which could be positioned as a camper or large family people carrier/van

Looks like “Panda” is soon to become a brand of its own

I should also add that the official launch date of the next Fiat car which will undoubtedly be the panda is the 11th of July 2024 with new cars to follow every year for the next 4 years meaning a new car in 202, 25, 26 and 27
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Nice to see there are hybrid and pure ICE models there, not just electric.
I would take that with a pinch of salt, while they might make ice hybrid and electric models they are selling globally so while South America or India might get ICE models it’s likely here in the UK we will only get electric.

Same with the 600 there is an ICE version but in the UK we won’t see it
I'm not sure how they can go from the above, to the patent.

Allowing for Concept wackiness, It really doesn't have much connection?

Patents get submitted all the time to protect areas of intellectual property, followers of Apple have learned not to rely on patents to know what the next iPhone will look like it might just be that a previous incarnation would have looked like that and they submitted a patent. the thing that annoys me about that article is they have not cited their reference and plastered their logo all over the pictures so we have no way of knowing if that really was their patent or just a photoshop done by the website
I would take that with a pinch of salt, while they might make ice hybrid and electric models they are selling globally so while South America or India might get ICE models it’s likely here in the UK we will only get electric.

Same with the 600 there is an ICE version but in the UK we won’t see it

UK is to get petrol/hybrid versions of the 600 from later this year:

I think they initially planned for UK to just get electric but (as with the related Jeep Avenger) have realised they can't ignore market demand.

Fiat must be kicking themselves not to equip the 500e with a platform that could easily accommodate ICE as sales of the electric model have absolutely tanked after a very strong initial 18 months on sale, so I suspect they'll be making good use of the petrol 600 to try & keep petrol 500 buyers within the brand, especially given that 600 is a good bit smaller than the 500x it (sort of) replaces.

If they don't call one of these new Panda's the Giant Panda, I'll be fuming 😅
UK is to get petrol/hybrid versions of the 600 from later this year:
ah ha!

I was discussing this just the other day, Initially only Italy was going to get the ICE engined version and only for a couple of years before they switched to all electric as well, but in the mean time other companies including Mini have release ICE versions of their cars and in the case of Mini they have a ICE version of the new countryman. I wouldn't want to say that Fiat See mini as a direct competitor but is is clear that they do, and with Mini having a brand new ICE powered SUV in the space I hypothesized that it wouldn't be long before Fiat changed their mind, I had missed this news but interesting to see my guess was correct.

Fiat must be kicking themselves not to equip the 500e with a platform that could easily accommodate ICE as sales of the electric model have absolutely tanked after a very strong initial 18 months on sale, so I suspect they'll be making good use of the petrol 600 to try & keep petrol 500 buyers within the brand, especially given that 600 is a good bit smaller than the 500x it (sort of) replaces.
Yes I think they just assumed demand for ICE cars would die, that being said the 500e is I understand the best selling electric car in Europe currently, and has won some awards recently in the US (which is ironic as they now don't sell cars in the USA)

If they don't call one of these new Panda's the Giant Panda, I'll be fuming 😅
I always thought they missed a trick when they had the "grande Punto" they could have also had the "Giant Panda"
A video dropped today officially announcing the new Panda,

Here are a couple of screen grabs from that video

The video is available to see on the Fiat YouTube page

I would expect this is still a concept to some degree and will change a bit by the times it is launched but this is what the CEO is saying the new panda will be

There is also talk of there being a panda XL a new larger SUV and a Panda XXL which could be positioned as a camper or large family people carrier/van

Looks like “Panda” is soon to become a brand of its own
View attachment 439051View attachment 439052
I should also add that the official launch date of the next Fiat car which will undoubtedly be the panda is the 11th of July 2024 with new cars to follow every year for the next 4 years meaning a new car in 202, 25, 26 and 27
Someone please pass me a shovel so I can dig a very very deep hole to bury it in. What a LEMON
Will be interested to see what it actually looks like this is still very much in the "concept ********" phase.

Glad it doesn't look like a discovery sport though..

Rear window looks like a nod to the classic panda rather than the MPV/SUV profile of the more recent ones. Seems to be pick your own badge but old logo making a comeback too.

Looking at the plan and the video I suspect this may be one of the first cars to get the Citroën Oli cardboard/honeycomb panels. It looks like they place something directly on the roof and cover it generally this is a terrible idea but if it was the scratch proof and strong enough to stand on you could...
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Will be interested to see what it actually looks like this is still very much in the "concept ********" phase.
It does look a lot like someones CGI first year project submission.

Loads of things in that video will almost certainly not make it to market. Like Skate board storage or a load net that pins the loads to a glass roof, Also there was a lot of criticism for the Centoventi for having the charging port on the bonnet potentially leading to scratches and grit.

Lets not forget this was the early 2000s concept for the Panda,

This lent its platform to the current Panda, they had the good sense not to make the "Ecobasic" and they even had working models of that!
I suspect much of what is in the video is "concept" but I would not be surprised if the overall shape is retained or else they would not show it at this stage, they are in quite a hurry and on a short deadline to turn Fiat's fortunes around as part of Stellantis, there cannot be too many rewrites when it comes to getting cars out the door at this stage.
Regards the roof though...

Perhaps it will be a productionised version of this


If anything the body panels that can be removed with handtools and strengthened roof may make sense in an Italian context and the interior looks very similar to this.

download (4).jpeg

So while it looks like my first actually may be a production ready Oli.
So while it looks like my first actually may be a production ready Oli.
I would say that the pick up in the fiat video looks a lot like that. It however maybe these are still pre-production concepts but they're not that far from the finished article.

With a plastic roof that would make for a good surface to strap a load down onto, but over time could end up looking a right mess with scratches and damage to the plastic, but that seems more like a customer problem rather than one a manufacturer would care too much about
Modern era, you sell a lifestyle not a car...*vomit* however be good enough for the odd IKEA trip I'm sure.

If you take away the 90s rave flashback colouring, accept that the box arches are just bolt on sacrificial panels, that the nose and tail treatments are easily changed and finally remove the vertical windscreen, then it's an Oli down to the rear suicide doors.

They even said they were going to offer none pick ups Olis when it was the new thing.

Yes things like window shape and silhouette don't quite match up but the platform is very configurable apparently.
I am sure the drag coefficient of that flat windscreen nose and side mirrors has all the aerodynamic properties of a brick... actually the side profile is not unlike an old military Humvee

Looking at the top view there is a large plastic panel in front of the windscreen, what's the betting when the final car is delivered the windscreen extends at the bottom to cover this whole area making a long sweeping windscreen, I can't see something so slab fronted would be very good for battery range.
They never said they were going to build the Oli they said ideas from it would inform future designs.

The slab front is (apparently this could all be the aforementioned concept car ********) not an issue because it will never attain a speed higher than 72mph so rolling resistance is more of factor than aerodynamic drag. It's envisaged to be a town car mainly with an average speed of 18mph or whatever.

Also similar to the Renault sport spider it has an aeroscreen, 2 vents inboard of the headlamps release air aimed upwards likely where the black plastic edge is, to take the majority of air up and over creating low pressure where the flat screen is...this feels like it needs a second apparently.

The flat screen has benefits in terms of Aircon energy usage as the sun cannot hit the glass at a 90 degree angle and is cheaper to make due to no complex shape.

This is all lifted directly from the press release so god knows if any of it is true.

I wonder if Citroën is going to get the ridiculous swivel eyed keeping with brand tradition of mental cars and the Fiat version will be a more conventional take on the absolute utility first car concept.
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A video dropped today officially announcing the new Panda,

Here are a couple of screen grabs from that video

The video is available to see on the Fiat YouTube page

I would expect this is still a concept to some degree and will change a bit by the times it is launched but this is what the CEO is saying the new panda will be

There is also talk of there being a panda XL a new larger SUV and a Panda XXL which could be positioned as a camper or large family people carrier/van

Looks like “Panda” is soon to become a brand of its own
View attachment 439051View attachment 439052
I should also add that the official launch date of the next Fiat car which will undoubtedly be the panda is the 11th of July 2024 with new cars to follow every year for the next 4 years meaning a new car in 202, 25, 26 and 27
This is without a doubt the best new Panda, interpretation i have seen, and i really hope this wil be base design for the new Panda.
On the ICE front i hope for the 1.2 Turbo Mild Hybrid 100hp engine, being available.
