Technical Engine troubleshooting

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Technical Engine troubleshooting

Jan 4, 2024
As shown in the video my engine has trouble running and idleing. I have no idea what could be causing this, spraying brake cleaner in the inlet resulted in the same outcome so I don’t think fuel supply is the issue(?). Help is much appreciated!


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As shown in the video my engine has trouble running and idleing. I have no idea what could be causing this, spraying brake cleaner in the inlet resulted in the same outcome so I don’t think fuel supply is the issue(?). Help is much appreciated!
Fuel blockage or air leak would be my guess.
When you sprayed brake cleaner I assume you meant around the inlet to locate leaks and not down the inlet which would show little, don't forget it is inflammable;).
Another thing you could try is locate the vacuum feed to the brake servo at the inlet manifold and temporary disconnect and blank off to see if that affects things as a air leak there can cause poor running , also some people have experienced brake servos rusted through giving similar problems along with a harder brake pedal and not able to stop so quickly.
Fuel blockage or air leak would be my guess.
When you sprayed brake cleaner I assume you meant around the inlet to locate leaks and not down the inlet which would show little, don't forget it is inflammable;).
Another thing you could try is locate the vacuum feed to the brake servo at the inlet manifold and temporary disconnect and blank off to see if that affects things as a air leak there can cause poor running , also some people have experienced brake servos rusted through giving similar problems along with a harder brake pedal and not able to stop so quickly.
No I sprayed into the air inlet to see if that made any difference, if it had it would have confirmed a fuel supply issue but it didn’t. (Yes I’m stupid)
after removing the vacuum line(?) from the brake master cilinder to the engine it ran like a madman. However in my very limited knowledge I have no idea what this means and how this can be fixed?!???
You needed to block it off, put your finger over the end of outlet from engine and then see if engine runs normal.
This is to prove or disprove an air leak in the vacuum side, that is why I said "and temporary disconnect and blank off" .:)
You needed to block it off, put your finger over the end of outlet from engine and then see if engine runs normal.
This is to prove or disprove an air leak in the vacuum side, that is why I said "and temporary disconnect and blank off" .:)
Ah, pulled it off and blocked it, no change. Don’t know whether to be happy or sad?!
Ah, pulled it off and blocked it, no change. Don’t know whether to be happy or sad?!
Oh well, at least you have ruled out an air leak on that vacuum pipe to brakes.
Did you try with engine running if spraying your brake spray around the inlet manifold area affected the running?
Is it possible to try a diagnostic tool to see if any error codes show up?