Technical White smoke concern

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Technical White smoke concern

Nov 26, 2022
Hi after your guys opinions, got home today after driving for about 5 minutes and noticed some white smoke coming from the bonnet, not loads of smoke but enough to see it in the headlights as it was dark. After checking the engine I could smell faintly smell smoke, and heard a popping sound (like opening a fizzy bottle or hot container), but the engine seemed cold to touch, and the gauge hardly gone up.

However the metal casing circled in the picture was piping hot, any ideas ? Recent recon engine. Also I've not got a clue about cars/vans 😂


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I would be tempted to take it back to whoever installed your recon engine.
Difficult to say what the smoke is remotely but perhaps you have a small diesel or water leak getting onto part of your hot exhaust.
Probably worth checking the water level is ok.
Thanks for you reply. I've got a mechanic friend coming to have a look at it for clarity, but he reckons the casement is the turbo and I should expect it to be hot. Levels are good. He also thinks the smoke could of came from the exhaust and I just reversed into it when parking🤣 hopefully it is me just being stupid 🤞😂