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Technical How to...

Nov 5, 2023
...get the tiny "holder" back into the boot...

The parcel shelf is attached by some string to this holder which should be in the boot. So as I lift the boot the string pulls up the parcel shelf. The holder is very thick at the end that needs to be inserted into the car and no matter how much I push it won't go in. I've tried pinching the end with pliers but it just won't go.

Any idea how to get this back in?


Is it not like an expanding body clip that pulls apart into 2 pieces, then you push the outer bit in the hole, then by inserting the core back in it splays out again and locks it in place
Its a single piece of plastic that looks like it needs some kind of special tool to squeeze it, then I push.

It will I think splay out after its in place.

I think I need to get that back into the car fast because since this post I've lost it LOL. I've just been hunting around and its vanished lol, oh well it'll turn up! :D
Its a single piece of plastic that looks like it needs some kind of special tool to squeeze it, then I push.

It will I think splay out after its in place.

I think I need to get that back into the car fast because since this post I've lost it LOL. I've just been hunting around and its vanished lol, oh well it'll turn up! :D
🙄 as my friends Dad used to say to me years ago “Lad, you’d lose something else if half of it wasn’t carried around in a bag”!
Righto, found it now! It was hiding on the dining table - this is the perfect place to keep things safe! :D

Anyway, the plastic is really hard, it doesn't want to move anywhere.

You should be able to pull the middle piece out (not all the way) which will allow the three legs to spring inwards, to go into the hole, then gently tap the centre piece back in to splay the legs out to fix it in place.
OK, just done it, thanks!

Also thanks at Greasytrucker. He did tell me but I needed my glasses on! lol