Technical Opening the windows causes Fuel/speed gauges to reset and click

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Technical Opening the windows causes Fuel/speed gauges to reset and click


Dec 31, 2009
The fuel/speed gauges sometimes reset themselves and the Relays underneath the steering wheel make the clicking sound. The Odometer adds about 3km too.

Just today I realized this only happens the first time I open the windows after I start driving the car.

I know one of the relays is responsible for the windows (its either T11 T12 T13) and thats where the switching noise comes from.
Is it a bad relay causing this?
My problem is definitely from here.
Body computer M1 or B2

So symptoms are:

Relays clicking
Fuel gauge resetting (to the rithm of relays cliking)
Speed gauge resetting (to the rithm of relays cliking)
2,6km added to odometer
these are the electric diagrams for the 3 symptoms


They all have in common the same fuses and the same relay "C" which is T13.
I wonder what causes relays to turn on and off (clicking noise)

One problem I haven't linked to this panel is the licence plate light warning.

this is the bastard panel whose relays click sometimes. (never mind the red drawn circle. this picture was borrowed from fiatecuscan website).

Some days is ok, others it happens once or twice.

Today I pushed and moved that black connector on the left and the blue one on the right. One of the relays clicked a second later.... Couldn't reproduce it again.

Sometimes the odometer adds a few km just by turning the key to MAR. At Fiat no one could help me. This forum is the only chance
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Its a new battery, about 6 months old. Steady 12.4v

There was a time I had all kinds of problems all in the same day. It was the battery. Changed it and the big ones disappeared, but some small errors kept appearing.

I'm starting to think I'm going to need a new body computer. Its annoying. My car odometers has 5000km more than it should and it keeps increasing because of these little errors.

thanks though
It's almost certainly a bad connection somewhere (bad earth most likely).

I'd remove the battery and examine the rear fusebox and look very carefully for signs of corrosion or loose connections.
will mostly do so!

But since I made pressure on those two big plugs on the picture above, the odometer is behaving ok. Gauges have not gone wild. No clicking relays. Fingers crossed! but a calm sea has happened before without me doing a thing.

but a new symptom appeared!

Happened twice now:
- selespeed passes automatically to AUTO mode without me doing anything!
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Found a video on youtube with a problem similar to mine

[nomedia=""]YouTube- FIAT Stilo - Bordcomputer Wackelkontakt?[/nomedia]

The video problem is much much more severe though.
Hey guys

Just got my ELM 327 1.4a for 18£ ! First thing I do? I connect to the DASHBOARD ECU! No errors!! its clean! So disappointed.

Either way I found something interesting. BATTERY VOLTAGE. I can have a battery voltage readings on every ECU I can connect to. All of them read 12.5v. Not DASHBOARD ! dashboard reads 11.6v !

Next thing I do, is connect to BODY COMPUTER. Lots of errors.


All of them from the lights sensor. I do have the warning from license plate error every now and then.
Oh, I also had a look at the supposedly D4 connector, beneath the battery fuse box...

I don't have one D4 connector. I have two D4 connectors?
I swear. All I have beneath the fuse box are two twins separate plugs.
Looks like your body computer/dashboard voltage is lower than the remainder of the car. Body computer is saying "Hey! Voltage at the sidelights is too high" but that's not possible "Well it looks high from where I am"

Relays drop out when the voltage gets too low to keep them energised. So how can the BC + voltage be lower? It can't unless you have some voltage dropping device in the circuit and you don't. But a bad earth is like a step in the way, a resistance, and has the effect of making the difference between + and - less so it's seeing lower voltage difference at times than the rest of the car

earth points engine bay C15.JPG
So I think I'd do some voltage drop tests on earth point C15, probably worth a clean up anyway, that's near the bonnet lifter and get the BC voltage up to the same as the rest of the car
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He couldn't get ELM327 1.4 to read ABS and Airbags I Think. Neither could I.

The rest works well. At least the values don't differ from VAGCOM cable in the ECU's I can connect with both.
Looks like your body computer/dashboard voltage is lower than the remainder of the car. Body computer is saying "Hey! Voltage at the sidelights is too high" but that's not possible "Well it looks high from where I am"

Relays drop out when the voltage gets too low to keep them energised. So how can the BC + voltage be lower? It can't unless you have some voltage dropping device in the circuit and you don't. But a bad earth is like a step in the way, a resistance, and has the effect of making the difference between + and - less so it's seeing lower voltage difference at times than the rest of the car

View attachment 81186
So I think I'd do some voltage drop tests on earth point C15, probably worth a clean up anyway, that's near the bonnet lifter and get the BC voltage up to the same as the rest of the car

That C15 is well hidden. I can't find it near the bonnet lock. This engine really fills all the space. So busy in there