Technical Climate Control Problem [and Fixing Guide]

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Technical Climate Control Problem [and Fixing Guide]


My Stilo only blows air to the windscreen, nothing to the vents. Also this air is always "outside air temp", but it does randomly give heat (I'd say once every 50 car journeys). the controls change nothing except fan speed and I can hear a noise behind the radio which sounds like a flap trying to consistently open.

I checked the error codes and they are pretty much the ones in the post above.

All I want is heat (I don't care if air only goes to the windscreen) as its freezing lol and its currently a nightmare demisting the windows.

What would I have to fix/replace to get heat going to the windscreen?
Ok so I managed to remove the glove box today and I found three motors/actuators, all with the snapped white pieces. Two of the actuators were together (theres one another nearer the engine that controls the recirculation of air, this WORKS) and another actuator nearer to the passenger which is also snapped.

They all seem to be making the noise as if they are constantly moving.

What I wanted to know, do any of these actuators control the temperature? or are they for the circulation of air???

Here is an image of the motors.

From what I make of it, All three have snapped (white bits), but only 2 & 3 I know from certain as I didn't have time to check number 1.

Number 1 was making a noise as if it was trying to move also.

What do these three actuators control? Do any of them control the temperature?

The bottom one on each side plays with the air temp mixture, the middle plays with the distribution of air (legs/center) and the top plays with the defrost air vent (the front glass air). if any of the plastics are broken 90% its the fault of the actuator not stopping and continuing to turn. THe plastic parts are to protect the interior flaps from breaking from the motors its basically an in between part. My suggestion is def change the actuator motors and plastics.
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The bottom one on each side plays with the air temp mixture, the middle plays with the distribution of air (legs/center) and the top plays with the defrost air vent (the front glass air). if any of the plastics are broken 90% its the fault of the actuator not stopping and continuing to turn. THe plastic parts are to protect the interior flaps from breaking from the motors its basically an in between part. My suggestion is def change the actuator motors and plastics.

Thanks, this is a great help.

Anyone know where I can order the actuators/motors?

Fiat garage near me charge £9.80 just for each plastic bit!!!
Thank you.

I have bitten the bullet and ordered the white clips.

The actuators seem fine apart from that (they were all moving around a millimetre every second, as if they were trying to calibrate). So I might see if the white clips do the job. Saves spending £70 on each actuator then
yes but the problem of the actuators arent them moving the problem is the potentiometer knowing the values of when to stop. when that doesnt work well it just turns and turns and destroys the clip.
Just bringing this to the top as I think mine are broken as well. No air to windscreen and feet just the central vents.
Hi, how do you remove these little devils ? their heads are in the inside and i cant do anything to them


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Hi, how do you remove these little devils ? their heads are in the inside and i cant do anything to them
i just made few millimeters cuts in ends of screws and unscrewed them with negative screwdriver :slayer:
morty i removed both of them because i discovered both my defroster flap and my dualzone left air mixture is problematic. this servo module has a servro and a dual potentiometer on the bottom this potentiometer changes the signal moving it around. the problem arises from this. how did i figure this out i will tell you how.

when i connected the defroster motor to the connector and just let it hang and watch the outside gear (where it connects to the flaps) the motor would turn counter clockwise for a bit then stop and go clockwise and wouldt stop.

THen i did the same with the left hand side dual zone motor and watched it. it went counter clockwise stopped then went clockwise for a very short bit and stopped. Pay attention though that the motor does have a protecting mechanism to not brake the inside flaps of the aircon in this even thats why you will see that on the outside of the motor there is a plastic protruding right beneath it. this blocks the gears from going more than a specific travel and the breaking of the gears is to protect the inside flaps i assume.

Anyways i ordered a set of gears and a motor but i didnt order a second motor because i believe i have found a way to fix it.

remove the top cover in this way so its less of a chance for you guys to break it.


on the potentiometer (the blue thing) the top part black in this photo but i have seen it white on another motor.


very gently stick a fingernail and make the slightest opening and spray some electronics contact cleaner (very important because it cleans and lubricates the connectors) then i did it a few more times around. start working the potentiometer turning it back and forth to get it clean.

in addition do not forget when installing back in to align the outside gear to potentiometer position correctly. if you screwed up i made a photo for comparison.



if the arrow of the potentiometer aligns with the line on it then this is how the outside gear should look like.

Connect the plug open ignition of the car (have clima off though) and observe if the motor is going in alignment mode, turning and stop in each direction. the bottom motor which controls the dualzone is easy since you can look at the outside gear touching each end of the plastic travel limit protector.

Anyways this isnt foolproof if the potentiometer is just plain shot. i will verify this on the clima when i get my hands on the outside gears which have been torn off.

Now all you lads in here hope you liked this and i need your help. my eper has no images unfortunently so i cant see much. i need someone to tell me if the defrost motor the upper most motor is the same with the lowest motor which is for the left dualzone flap.

Hey Stilatos any reason why these images are not available? I'm trying to reassemble/realign my blue potentiometers.

By the way did anyone ever find where to buy just replacement potentiometers from? :confused:
hmm probably expired photos i dunno if i have them somewhere backed up. The motors can be found as parts from fiat. they are denso i dunno if you can find a direct code from them though. potentiometers probably not their not a typical type. Unless someone is an expert in electronics to find if one like that is a custom one or can be found i dont think you find a chance.
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any ideas of what this part come from found it on in the foot area of my fiat bravo mk2 2007.
any ideas of what this part come from found it on in the foot area of my fiat bravo mk2 2007.

I guess you've found out by now it's the arm of the recirculation actuator. On my Stilo it's broken too. I've pushed the recirculation flap in the 'fresh air' position by hand, as it's quite some work to fix this one.
As a thanks for the posts in this thread I would like to share two tricks that may ease the work a bit.

The first one is a tool I had to make when I was trying to remove the screws of the temperature control actuator. One screw in particular was very hard to looses. Eventually I took an aluminum pipe with an outside diameter of 8mm, a thickness of 1mm and a length of approx. 80mm. Then I pushed the pipe on top of the 5.5mm head of a screw I did manage to loosen. A few blows with a hammer were sufficient to get a hexagon shape on the inside of the pipe end. Finally I could loosen the remaining screw by hand with this piece of pipe.

The second trick is to change the torx-bolts (M4x10mm) for allen/hex bolts of the same size. As the allen bolts stay fixed to the bit it's much easier to mount the actuators of the air flow back on the steel base plate.
As a thanks for the posts in this thread I would like to share two tricks that may ease the work a bit.

The first one is a tool I had to make when I was trying to remove the screws of the temperature control actuator. One screw in particular was very hard to looses. Eventually I took an aluminum pipe with an outside diameter of 8mm, a thickness of 1mm and a length of approx. 80mm. Then I pushed the pipe on top of the 5.5mm head of a screw I did manage to loosen. A few blows with a hammer were sufficient to get a hexagon shape on the inside of the pipe end. Finally I could loosen the remaining screw by hand with this piece of pipe.

The second trick is to change the torx-bolts (M4x10mm) for allen/hex bolts of the same size. As the allen bolts stay fixed to the bit it's much easier to mount the actuators of the air flow back on the steel base plate.

Here are some pics as it tells more than thousand words;)
Read this thread a few times now and I'm still a bit confused.

In my Stilo I'm getting warm air through the driver's (RH) side and cold air through the passenger side. Changing the temperature, speed or direction does nothing.

Air to the windscreen works, although it doesn't get particularly warm.

With the engine running I can hear a "click, click, click" coming from around the middle of the dash, easier to hear with the air con off.

I see in this thread there are three motors (for each side?). Which of these would I need to look at?
As far as i know the Stilo and Bravo have the same climate control. Can you hear a faint of sound of a motor (or two) starting and stopping constantly with just the ignition on, from somewhere near the passenger side (left side) foot well.