The numbers aren't the same. Those two at the top are the same: 46723329 (distribuzione) and the lower one: 46723328 (miscelazione), substituted for 77362410.
all of the motors except the outside air can pretty much be changed without removing the dash but its a pain of a job my back was in pain, i had to shove my head at drivers foot well and had to twist my arms and painstakingly try and remove the screws which has no room. im sure that standard garage safety rules dictate the dash must be removed.
Then i did the same with the left hand side dual zone motor and watched it. it went counter clockwise stopped then went clockwise for a very short bit and stopped. Pay attention though that the motor does have a protecting mechanism to not brake the inside flaps of the aircon in this even thats why you will see that on the outside of the motor there is a plastic protruding right beneath it. this blocks the gears from going more than a specific travel and the breaking of the gears is to protect the inside flaps i assume.
This fix looks very complicated and tricky. If you're not technical minded, don't have the time, what other options are there for fixing this pathetic Air con on the Stilo?
where and how did you get this similar dense motor out of interest as i need one
many thanks jon