Technical Rattle From The Tappits On A Cold Start???

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Technical Rattle From The Tappits On A Cold Start???

Oct 22, 2007
I've got a 52 plate punto sporting speedgear. 26k. Sometimes when its cold (mainly first thing in the morning) and I start it up there is a rattling noise, that sounds like one/two of the tappits. So I turn the ignition off, start it up again and the noise has gone. Does anyone know anything about this? Is this a common problem?
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I've got a 52 plate punto sporting speedgear. 26k. Sometimes when its cold (mainly first thing in the morning) and I start it up there is a rattling noise, that sounds like one/two of the tappits. So I turn the ignition off, start it up again and the noise has gone. Does anyone know anything about this? Is this a common problem?

it probably has the wrong oil in it

what was put in at the last service

it should have 5w30

selenia performer is the best

available from shop 4 parts dot com
Ah...i just answered your identical post in the main bit of the punto section. As littlepip says, most likely that it has got the wrong grade oil in it. Oil has a grading system ie 5w30....10w40 etc etc. If you put the wrong grade of oil in, then it can lead to problems like noisey tappets and other more serious problems. If i would you i would change the oil and put in some quality 5w30 (prefereably Selenia performaer) and see if that makes a difference.
Good luck,
I think I will disagree ;)

Oil is a big factor and obviously using the right oil is important although I believe in your case its not so much the grade as the Punto Sporting and HGT where designed for 10W 40 and all tollerences within the engine would of been set for that grade when manufactoring.

In my opinion whats needed is regular oil changes around 6 months just to keep things nice and clean!

As for the tappets, I believe the 1.2 16V has hydrolic tappets as found in the 1.8 16V HGT?? So the tiny oil channels may be clogged, It happens :)

Get some new oil such as Shell Helix Plus, new Oil filter and some Wynns Hydraulic Valve Lifter (Professional type) , empty old oil down to just above minimum on the dip stick and enter the Wynns Hydraulic Valve Lifter into the oil directly.

Let engine tick over until hot and then rev the engine to around 3000 rpm for a few mins and continue this for a few days or alternativly add a little more oil and drive around with the cleaner in... (y) You should notice silent tappets within 15 - 30 mins of first putting in and running the car anyhow!

Perform the new oil change after a few days of the Wynns Hydraulic Valve Lifter being in and you shouldnt have anymore issues as long as you stick to regular oil changes! Please note if your engine is really dirty inside I wouldnt advise this as alot of gunge may break free and clog your engine more ;)

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The sound you are hearing is most probably piston slap, apparently quite a few 16v engines suffered from having the wrong size pistons in from new, my own included.
It took about a year of persistance but Fiat finally fitted mine with new pistons when the car was 1 year old.
You very rarely, if at all, hear the noise in warmer weather but the colder it is, the noisier it is or the longer the noise can go on for.
Until mine was put right I used to do the same as you and turn it off when the slap started and after a re-start the noise had gone.
The new pistons not only cured it but improved my fuel economy from an overall average of around 45 mpg to mpg's of 50 on general use and has been as high as 64 mpg on a run keeping to 60mph.
The engine is now much more responsive and performance is great for a 1.2 and now is an absolutely brilliant little car having sailed through 2 MoT's with no problems or advisory notices.
I think I will disagree ;)

Oil is a big factor and obviously using the right oil is important although I believe in your case its not so much the grade as the Punto Sporting and HGT where designed for 10W 40 and all tollerences within the engine would of been set for that grade when manufactoring.

In my opinion whats needed is regular oil changes around 6 months just to keep things nice and clean!

As for the tappets, I believe the 1.2 16V has hydrolic tappets as found in the 1.8 16V HGT?? So the tiny oil channels may be clogged, It happens :)

Get some new oil such as Shell Helix Plus, new Oil filter and some Wynns Hydraulic Valve Lifter (Professional type) , empty old oil down to just above minimum on the dip stick and enter the Wynns Hydraulic Valve Lifter into the oil directly.

Let engine tick over until hot and then rev the engine to around 3000 rpm for a few mins and continue this for a few days or alternativly add a little more oil and drive around with the cleaner in... (y) You should notice silent tappets within 15 - 30 mins of first putting in and running the car anyhow!

Perform the new oil change after a few days of the Wynns Hydraulic Valve Lifter being in and you shouldnt have anymore issues as long as you stick to regular oil changes! Please note if your engine is really dirty inside I wouldnt advise this as alot of gunge may break free and clog your engine more ;)


no they were made for 5/30