General Lights in Dashboard

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General Lights in Dashboard


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Could someone tell me what the lights in the dashboard mean? Trying to buy a punto MK2 at the moment and would be helpful for when I go see the car.

And which light is the city button one? (the one that should turn on when I press the button)

(someone posted this picture before so credit to them for taking it )


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Green light - which look eyes with side eyelash's

Indicate that the SIDE LIGHTs/Main Beam lights are on (NOT FULL BEAM!!)
On the left is a end switch - just turn it down to go off the lights

The Red Light with a ! in it means the handbrake is ON OR a FAULT in the system
If you release the handbrake and it stays on
The Handbrake Switch Could be "fluffed" or a fault in brake system

The other light i aint seen before so i'll look it up

Top left is red.. means door/boot open
The one next to it I think is yellow and is to do with engine faults I think (could be wrong)
Orange bulb = one of the bulbs (sidelights etc) have gone.
Red circle with ! as someone already mentioned is handbrake on.
One next to that I think is your oil light. (yellow?)
Bottom left is full beam (blue)
Next is hazards/indicators (green)
Then sidelights/main beam
Next two are your front and back fogs, I think one is blue and one is green if I remember right.
Green light - which look eyes with side eyelash's

Indicate that the SIDE LIGHTs/Main Beam lights are on (NOT FULL BEAM!!)
On the left is a end switch - just turn it down to go off the lights

The Red Light with a ! in it means the handbrake is ON OR a FAULT in the system
If you release the handbrake and it stays on
The Handbrake Switch Could be "fluffed" or a fault in brake system

The other light i aint seen before so i'll look it up


You mean side lights and DIPPED BEAM.

MAIN/FULL beam is Blue(y)
CITY light is in bottom left corner underneath the rev counter. i have the orange light on mine too it has only cum on since i have upgraded my headlight bulbs so as soon as i switch on my lights both the green and orange come on!!! (y)
So where exactly is the city light? (I looked at another fiat punto that once again the city function did not work :eek: - is this a common fiat fault?)

I included two photos of all the lights under the speedometer, and fuel meter. Is it in any of the photos? (or could someone take a photo of their one - would really appreciate it :rolleyes:)


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Mine's going to be a bit different, cos it's a 2B Sporting but here it is lit up like a council house at Christmas:

Sorry for quality.. quickly took it with my phone. But you get the idea.

Not sure what the orange one's are on the left, they must be fault indicators cos they've never come on. Then there's handbrake in red as I've already said, then steering fault.

Then on the right, you've got engine light (mine came on in my old mk2 when my coil pack went and engine was running on only 3 pistons. Then battery, oil, airbags and not sure what the bottom orange one is.
thanks Memzee! thats a great picture, showing all the lights including the city light!