OK... before start... a little more about me,
My name is Jimmy Lee; and I live in Panama city, Republic of Panama, Central America.
Our weather is really stable here on the tropics... lot of heat; so having a good air conditioner in your car is a must (unless you like to get wet and messy every time you go to a meeting or something).
I have found somewhere (can't recall were i read that) that replacing the antipolen filter often enough will improve the lazzy behavior of the air conditioner; I'm not sure if that was true but this is basically what i did:
1. I install 2 layers of tint paper on the windows. I have reflective Johnson high performance and on top of that, I installed black Johnson tint paper for extra heat shield... Really works, besides, some guffy guy told me about titanium tint paper and supposedly this setup will work as that for half of it price.
2. I swap the antipolen filter. As soon as you replace that damned filter, the air conditioner performance improves a lot.... so check it out.
I have found over the internet that question a lot... with different erroneous answer. I ask the fiat dealer where the filter was.... one of the mechanics there told me... Unfortunately for him... I won't service my palio there anymore... (they wanted to bill me over 175 US dolars for 40000km service... when i used to pay 30 bucks for each service before)

You will need a phillips head screwdriver to remove the cover. The cover has 2 screws... one on the bottom (easy to locate) and another one on top. I didn't made a close up because is really uncomfortable to take the picture! After you remove the cover.. just pull it out.

So... definetly this one needed to be replaced.

just check the new one how looks like!!

and just in case... check the part number.. his filter cost me around 16 US Dolars here...

and that's it folks.
IF some of you guys finds out a way to make the air conditioner works better... just post it.
My name is Jimmy Lee; and I live in Panama city, Republic of Panama, Central America.
Our weather is really stable here on the tropics... lot of heat; so having a good air conditioner in your car is a must (unless you like to get wet and messy every time you go to a meeting or something).
I have found somewhere (can't recall were i read that) that replacing the antipolen filter often enough will improve the lazzy behavior of the air conditioner; I'm not sure if that was true but this is basically what i did:
1. I install 2 layers of tint paper on the windows. I have reflective Johnson high performance and on top of that, I installed black Johnson tint paper for extra heat shield... Really works, besides, some guffy guy told me about titanium tint paper and supposedly this setup will work as that for half of it price.
2. I swap the antipolen filter. As soon as you replace that damned filter, the air conditioner performance improves a lot.... so check it out.
I have found over the internet that question a lot... with different erroneous answer. I ask the fiat dealer where the filter was.... one of the mechanics there told me... Unfortunately for him... I won't service my palio there anymore... (they wanted to bill me over 175 US dolars for 40000km service... when i used to pay 30 bucks for each service before)

You will need a phillips head screwdriver to remove the cover. The cover has 2 screws... one on the bottom (easy to locate) and another one on top. I didn't made a close up because is really uncomfortable to take the picture! After you remove the cover.. just pull it out.

So... definetly this one needed to be replaced.

just check the new one how looks like!!

and just in case... check the part number.. his filter cost me around 16 US Dolars here...

and that's it folks.
IF some of you guys finds out a way to make the air conditioner works better... just post it.