Well MOT is coming up this week, and last year it was mentioned that the shocks were misting so bought a nice new set of Monroe shocks
Nice and shiney, almost seems a shame to use them....but alas that is their purpose:
Now this might be of interest to you panda owners; I took the strut apart (the drivers side one which has the plastic shim for the spring) and the condition of it was very bad! I don't know if anyone has had one push through before (and this had been on there for 26 years now) but this is what I found:
Wafer thin metal remaining
Anyway, I was quite pleased; the new shocks and outer driveshaft boots were fitted in 1 day leaving today to re-adjust the tracking and give the old girl a traditional Autumn clean

Even gave the engine bay a bit of a clean as well and adjusted the air-box to "winter" setting...
Shiney new shock making the rest look shabby

She's surviving well, and I've bought it a nice warm winter jacket (aka car cover) so the car will be kept nice and dry. I bought one for the marbella as it was in pieces for the work that's going on that at the moment and it it worked so well I bought a second one. It is completely rain proof and keeps frost / condensation off the car as well. The halfords one I had did not do as well as this. The make is "Carpoint" if anyone is looking for one.
I did have to clean the connections for the tail light bulbs though, fixed reverse light bulb and screwed back on only to find the main tail light was out now! All fun anyway, all appears to be working ok for now but a quick check before the big day will be a good idea I think
Next step MOT anyway so wish her good luck / "Brake" (excuse the pun) a leg.