IKEA fire lables

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IKEA fire lables

18:41 you still there jack? can you tell me why ikea is exempt,
18:46 ok i have been advised our furniture does come with a small fire label. but if that has been removed you can apply for a fire certificate from store to comfirm this
18:50 where are they because i have ask several people with ikea stuff and they can not find them, the furniture and furnishings (fire)(safety) regulations act 1988 states that the lable has to be sewn in at the time of manafacture, it cant be stuck on so how have they all come off?
Hi Dave,

I know it doesn't answer your query direct but as I used to work in the Interior Design business I can say that all soft furnished items with a filling have since 1988 had to have a fire label on display for it to be sold for domestic use, not for contract use, i.e. like an office, restuarant etc this is where the UK differs from elsewhere in Europe and consequently the furniture I used to improt from Italy from companies like Cassina, Driade, Molteni where a sofa could set you back £3000 was always about £500 dearer for domestic purposes than contract as you need the fire protection barrier, but if you have your own company you can legally buy any soft furnishing for your company and put it in your house. Now where there is a grey area is all upholsterd antic furniture or even modern classics do not have the barrier but they are still alowed to be sold, its all very wishy washy to be honest, but there should normally be a label with a manufacturing date on the underside of the furniture which can confirm its meets the requirments and would normally be sown in place, but as would often be the case when iteams arrived in the UK from abroad they didn't have them on clear view but I had a box full of them which I would then write in the details and attach it with a safety pin for the public to see, but I would keep at IKEA to see what they say.

A piont to note as well is if you are a tenant, or are a landlord, all furnishings must also have this displayed as its a legal requirment, I know I'm both at the moment!

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All new furniture made after 1988 must carry a permanent label, which
shows how the furniture meets the requirements of the Regulations.
Mattresses and bed-bases will bear different labels to those on other
19:06 so you want a copy of this conversation sending to your email address
19:08 just that will be ok for now i suppose, but a statmen type email of what you have said would be better, thanks
19:09 ok ill get that sent for you
19:10 ok thank you for your help, bye

edit sharon going to check and take it up with TS now :)
Hi, thanks for contacting IKEA my name is Jack how can i help?
19:26 Hey Jack
19:27 why do you products not have permanent fire regulations labelling per the 1988 fire regulations act?
19:27 your*
my convo at the moment, waiting for a reply,

Hi, thanks for contacting IKEA my name is Jack how can i help?
19:22 are fire labels fitted to your products?
19:23 yes they are
19:24 why can i not find any on any of your products then? even when i look at your products in store?
19:25 they are attached to products in store on a plastic tag with a gun simialr to clothes labels
19:28 regulations act 1988 states that the lable has to be sewn in at the time of manafacture,All new furniture made after 1988 must carry a permanent label,
19:30 the label that is attached is permanent, if the customer decideds to remove the label thats isnt ikea responsability