Looking at the time...

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Looking at the time...


Car and motorcylce swept volumes, model numbers aircraft model numbers part numbers of transtors or i/cs. Very pleased to see it isn't just me:)
19:42 - the Battle of Stalingrad
16:48 - Peace of Westphalia

This also reminds me the method I use to remember my PINs - Invasion of Warsaw Pact to Czechoslovakia plus the number of players in a football team makes 6811 :D

This method is described in detail in a short story written by James Thurber, but I do not know its correct title... something like "Associative method to remember your phone number by Civil War" :D
I always seem to look at the clock on my video at 11:11 almost everyday. Must be some kind of natural routine. Notice other things very very often aswell like 12:34 just weird how I look at the clock at the same time every day.